Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #58)
Sorry this roll has taken so long, guys. It's been a busy weekend, and the phone has simply been ringing off the hook.
But, enough excuses! Roll #58 is go!
Torrent (Gillian) (9)
"I can't do much for your back, but I can at least take the edge off. God dammit I've become a medic."You put your hands over Anderson's back and will your powers to heal him. As far as you can tell, not much happens, but you hear him sigh, which probably means he's feeling better.
"Thanks. I think it might be best if we retreat, it seems unlikely that we will be able to take out a god in combat. At least for now," he says.
"I don't think you'd have much luck running away in your current state," you say back. Anderson goes silent. You're obviously right.
Ociamarru (Nikolai) (2 - 3 = 1)
You are in pain. Pain. PAIN. It's such debilitating pain that your weak attempt at attacking Calkoom just makes you double over and fall to the ground like a broken toy.
caekdaemon (Anderson) (-)
You sit still as Gillian heals your back. You try to get up after he's done, but it seems you're still stuck with crawling. At least the pain is gone.
CaveCricket (Raphael) (4)
You slowly advance towards Calkoom. Just as you're getting ready to strike, he makes a mighty leap over Johni and goes running in the opposite direction. Is he running away?
He's after Gillian and Anderson.
Tokochiro (Johni) (1)
You turn around and try to run, but Calkoom lands on top of you.
"Auughhh!"You scream as his foot crushes your other arm, sending you into thrashing fits of agony.
Adam, you lucked out. You were about to miss this roll.Adam (Adam) (7 - 1 = 6)
Just as Calkoom jumps over Johni (and lands on him) you throw the bottle.
A hit! You summon up your Pyrokinesis and launch a small fireball... but it misses! Calkoom's coat is still covered in the alcohol, but it isn't going to light itself.
Gabriel stabs at Calkoom as he takes his leave, but he's not close enough to land a hit.
Status-Left Shoulder - Clawed (Clotting)
GAME EVENTSCalkoom is charging Gillian and Anderson (Torrent and caekdaemon).