Missing /Scene.ini and can't run Cortex Command
When I run Cortex Command B23 on my vista computer it comes up with this error message:
abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 531 because:
Failed to open included data file in Missions.rte/Scenes.ini at line 1!
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'
I already tried reinstalling it a couple of times but it still had this message
if you think I need the Scenes.ini file can someone please upload it
if not please tell me what you think I need to do
Thanks for any help
also i dont have any mods, I deleted all of them.
EDIT: I put Cortex Command in a different folder than Program Files because I read to do that in a different topic to do that and it worked. Apparently Program Files does bad things to programs