Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #48)
Late Night Update... at least for me. Don't know where you guys live.
But either way, we're up and running again. Onward!
Tokochiro (8)
You walk over to the nearby well and splash some water on your face. Then you proceed to throw it all over your clothes. You feel kind of chilled when you're done, but the smell is gone, at least.
caekdaemon (9 - 2 = 7)
"Blast and Damnation! No bloody training centre. I wonder if this town has a arena of some sort."You angrily stomp off, which seems to suit the people in town just fine - you fit in perfectly. After a bit of searching, you find a small shop called "Fighter's Way." The title sounds promising, so you push open the door and walk in. An old man at the counter greets you.
"Welcome, visitor, to the Fighter's Way. I specialize in all kinds of weaponry for those adventurous folk out there." His voice is rough and old, but kindly. You state your interests.
"Do you have anything I can train with in here?"The man furrows his brow, thinking. Then, he lights up.
"We have an... eh, old dummy - in the back. He's pretty decrepit, but he's survived all these years, so I'm sure he'll hold up if you intend on hitting him a bit."You feel slightly less dreadful now. (Hungover -1)
CaveCricket (3)
You look around for the riddle guy's shop, but you fail to find anything that looks like it'd be the home of a man who can solve riddles. Hopefully Gabriel's having more luck... you've lost sight of where he went.
Torrent (6)
You take a look around town for some kind of magic store. You see several shops whose names hint to magic, but they turn out to be magicians... as in the kind that perform fake magic. Illusion.
Magic seems to be something quite uncommon. The Glyphs must be incredibly rare...
Adam (7)
You walk into... "Fodderall."
The clerk greets you... warmly?
"Hey there! Welcome to Fodderall! We got all your fodder right here!" He seems to be very good at over-enthusiastically talking nonsense.
"Uh... what?""We got fodder! Snake fodder, monkey fodder..." he leans close and holds a large purple lizard to your face.
"Wasteland Devil fodder.""Wasteland Devil?" If Wasteland Devils eat lizards that size, they must be pretty huge..."You've never lain eyes on a Wasteland Devil? The nastiest things... they're careful to eat so that the vital organs remain intact and their prey is still... ALIVE."This guy is beginning to creep you out. He continues.
"...Then they drink the blood and-" he stops.
"Hey! Aren't you here to buy something?" The reptile in the man's hand begins thrashing about and trying to claw his fingers off. He throws the purple lizard into its cage like someone would throw a wad of paper into a trash bin.
"So," he says.
"What kind of exotic creature do you own?"Ociamarru (4 - 3 = 1)
You look around for criminals, but you're feeling really bad, and your temper is just as horrible. You go up to the nearest group of arguing people and shove a man wearing a thick coat and an odd hat. Your mouth moves without your consent.
"You lookin' to start something, buddy?"(8 v. 1) The man immediately knocks you flat on the ground with a punch to the nose, then goes back to arguing.
You don't feel any better now...
Gabriel looks around at the shops, but fails to find what he is looking for.
Summing It Up (In rhyme)
Toko cleaned off his beer smell,
caek found a place to train,
CaveCricket failed to find the shop
Torrent found out getting magic's a pain.
Adam went and made a new friend...
Ociamarru got his nose smashed, and
Altogether it was an amusing round.
Oh, what a time it's been.