Your modified one. I need something to make my lasers look better, and that's it.
Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:49 pm
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:38 pm Posts: 909 Location: France
Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE DEUX
Here it is, I just slightly modified Non's code so you should credit him.
lua attached to the MOPixel fired by the rifle:
function Create(self) self.weaponname = "Laser Rifle"; local curdist = 50; for i = 1,MovableMan:GetMOIDCount()-1 do gun = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(i); if gun.PresetName == self.weaponname and gun.ClassName == "HDFirearm" and (gun.Pos-self.Pos).Magnitude < curdist then actor = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(gun.RootID); if MovableMan:IsActor(actor) then local bombcheck = ToActor(actor):Inventory(); self.parent = ToActor(actor); self.parentgun = ToHDFirearm(gun); self.parentid = ToActor(actor).ID; end end end self.length = SceneMan:CastObstacleRay( (self.Pos-(self.Vel*TimerMan.DeltaTimeSecs)), Vector(2000,0):RadRotate(self.parent:GetAimAngle(true)), Vector(0, 0), Vector(0, 0), self.parentid, 0, 0); --print(self.length); if self.length == -1 then self.length = 2000; end local velCorrection = self.Vel * (FrameMan.PPM * TimerMan.DeltaTimeSecs); local trueLength = self.length + velCorrection.Magnitude; local iters = (math.ceil(trueLength)); local initPos = self.Pos - velCorrection; local increment = (trueLength / iters); for i=0,iters,1 do particle = CreateAEmitter("Violet Burster"); particle.Pos = initPos + (self.Vel.Normalized * (i * increment)); particle.Vel = Vector(0,0); MovableMan:AddMO(particle); end for i=0,iters,1 do particle = CreateMOPixel("Particle LASERSLS"); particle.Pos = initPos + (self.Vel.Normalized * (i * increment)); particle.Vel = Vector(120,0):RadRotate(self.parent:GetAimAngle(true)); MovableMan:AddMO(particle); end
self.ToDelete = true; end
it creates aemitters that emit glowy particles in a straight line, but doesn't do any damage(shoot sharp MOPixels with it do deal damage)
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