Hello there, this is my first mod and isn't finished yet, but i'm intended to finish it. So... Here i go:
Pi doctors are a smal group of scientist that develops ballistics equipment and sell it to whose pay better. They have no rules, no etical moral and almost no limits. Their loyalty is for who pay more. The only thing thats matter is knowledge(and money for pay that).
Some of the itens they sell are:
BFD 2k
The BFD2k is the last word in terms of digging. This powerful tool overpowered know no limits, not only working as a digger, also works as an additional thruster and melee weapon.
A Shotgun that features a new fire system that meltdown their rounds before shoting. This makes the damage more high and the range very low. Works only for close quarter combat, at middle e high range they are almost useless.
Gatling gun that uses particles of molten plumbum as ammo. High damage, high fire rate, high reloading time and high expensive. It's almost impossible to fly while holding one of those.
Well, my english isn't much good there may have one error or two (: As i said this is my first mod and i'm new on the forum, if i broke some rule please tell-me
I hope you all enjoy
File comment: Second release. Better sprites now (: Pi.rte.zip [980.33 KiB]
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Last edited by Granada on Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:30 am
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:16 pm Posts: 6
Re: Granada's mod: Pi doctors (06/16/2011)
Cool gonna try it i love op stuff
Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:22 pm
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:48 pm Posts: 8
Re: Granada's mod: Pi doctors (06/16/2011)
Sure, i'm working on that. Thanks for the tip.
I chanched: 1 - The MFG1(the SMG like) sprite. 2 - The BFG1.2k(Gatling gun like) magazine, now it fits in the front of the weapon. 3 - The sprites of BFD1k and 2k. 4 - The BFS1(Shotgun) sprite. 5 - Also some prices and weights.
Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:51 pm
Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:04 am Posts: 149 Location: Under your bed
Re: Granada's mod: Pi doctors (06/16/2011)
Good job with the sprites, but you should learn more about ini before you call this anything more than a resprite.
Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:22 am
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:48 pm Posts: 8
Re: Granada's mod: Pi doctors (06/16/2011)
I looked for some tutorials, but most of them explaim whats is HDFirearm, Magazines, etc... And only explains some of the variables, by giving some templates with comments.
But I'm studying something about ini.
Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:55 pm
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:38 pm Posts: 909 Location: France
Re: Granada's mod: Pi doctors (06/16/2011)
Did you have a look at this?
AddAmmo = Round // Creates a round that can be used by an HDFirearm. InstanceName = Pistol Round // what the name of the round will be. ParticleCount = 1 // how many particles will be created when this round is fired. Particle = MOPixel // What type of particle will be fired. InstanceName = Pistol Bullet // what the name of the particle will be. Mass = 0.05 // How heavy the particle will be in kilograms. AirResistance = 0.018 // Will slow down the bullet every frame, I don't exactly know by how much. GlobalAccScalar = 0.1 // How will gravity affect the bullet (can be applied to other objects as well) for example(0 : no gravity ; 0.5 half gravity ; -1 inverse gravity) RestThreshold = 500 // After how many thousandths of a second vith no velocity and in contact with the terrain it will become terrain. LifeTime = 500 // How long the particle will exist in thousandths of a second, before it ceases to exist. Sharpness = 150 // How much penetration the particle will have, refer to ( http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14662 ) for more information. HitsMOs = 1 // Will it hit other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. GetsHitByMOs = 0 // Will it get hit by other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. Never set a MOPixel to GetsHitByMOs = 1, the game will crash. Color = Color // The colour of the pixel. R = 143 // The amount of Red in the colour. G = 143 // The amount of Green in the colour. B = 143 // The amount of Blue in the colour. Atom = Atom // Defines what the particle is made out of. Material = Material // What material the particle is made out of. CopyOf = Bullet Metal // Insert material here. TrailColor = Color // Colour of the rounds motion trail. R = 155 // The amount of Red in the colour. G = 155 // The amount of Green in the colour. B = 155 // The amount of Blue in the colour. TrailLength = 15 // How long the trail will be, in pixels when velocity = 100. Cannot exceed the distance that the pixel travels in one frame update. ScreenEffect = ContentFile // Defines what glow effect is displayed. FilePath = Base.rte/Effects/Glows/YellowTiny.bmp // The location of the .bmp file used to create the glow. EffectStartTime = 0 // How long the effect will take to be displayed, in thousandths of a second, after the particle is created. EffectStartStrength = 0.7 // At what opacity the effect will start out in. EffectStopTime = 100 // How long the effect will take to stop, in thousandths of a second, after the particle is created. EffectStopStrength = 0.0 // At what opacity the effect will end at. will fade to this opacity for the duration of the particles existence. Shell = AEmitter // Defines what type of particle will be created as a shell casing for the round. CopyOf = Casing // Insert particle here. FireVelocity = 120 // How fast the round will travel, in pixels, in one second. ShellVelocity = 10 // How fast the shell casing will travel, in pixels, in one second. Separation = 0 // Variation, in pixels of the original position of the particles the variation is parallel to the aim angle. Too much separation can make some particles appear behind the actor.
AddAmmo = Round // Creates a round that can be used by an HDFirearm. InstanceName = Pistol Tracer Round // what the name of the round will be. ParticleCount = 1 // how many particles will be created when this round is fired. Particle = MOPixel // What type of particle will be fired. InstanceName = Pistol Tracer // what the name of the particle will be. Mass = 0.05 // How heavy the particle will be in kilograms. AirResistance = 0.018 // Will slow down the bullet every frame, I don't exactly know by how much. GlobalAccScalar = 0.1 // How will gravity affect the bullet (can be applied to other objects as well) for example(0 : no gravity ; 0.5 half gravity ; -1 opposite gravity) RestThreshold = 500 // After how many thousandths of a second vith no velocity and in contact with the terrain it will become terrain. LifeTime = 500 // How long the particle will exist in thousandths of a second, before it ceases to exist. Sharpness = 150 // How much penetration the particle will have, refer to ( http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14662 ) for more information. HitsMOs = 1 // Will it hit other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. GetsHitByMOs = 0 // Will it get hit by other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. Never set a MOPixel to GetsHitByMOs = 1, the game will crash. Color = Color // The colour of the pixel. R = 183 // The amount of Red in the colour. G = 183 // The amount of Green in the colour. B = 183 // The amount of Blue in the colour. Atom = Atom // Defines what the particle is made out of. Material = Material // What material the particle is made out of. CopyOf = Bullet Metal // Insert material here. TrailColor = Color // Colour of the rounds motion trail. R = 255 // The amount of Red in the colour. G = 255 // The amount of Green in the colour. B = 255 // The amount of Blue in the colour. TrailLength = 35 // How long the trail will be, in pixels when velocity = 100. Cannot exceed the distance that the pixel travels in one frame update. ScreenEffect = ContentFile // Defines what glow effect is displayed. FilePath = Base.rte/Effects/Glows/YellowTiny.bmp // The location of the .bmp file used to create the glow. EffectStartTime = 0 // How long the effect will take to be displayed, in thousandths of a second, after the particle is created. EffectStartStrength = 1 // At what opacity the effect will start out in. EffectStopTime = 500 // How long the effect will take to stop, in thousandths of a second, after the particle is created. EffectStopStrength = 0.5 // At what opacity the effect will end at. will fade to this opacity for the duration of the particles existence. Shell = AEmitter // Defines what type of particle will be created as a shell casing for the round. CopyOf = Casing // Insert particle here. FireVelocity = 115 // How fast the round will travel, in pixels, in one second. ShellVelocity = 11 // How fast the shell casing will travel, in pixels, in one second. Separation = 0 // Variation, in pixels of the original position of the particles the variation is parallel to the aim angle. Too much separation can make some particles appear behind the actor.
AddAmmo = Magazine // Creates a Magazine that can be used by an HDFirearm. InstanceName = Pistol Magazine // What the name of the magazine will be. Mass = 2 // How heavy the Magazine will be in kilograms. HitsMOs = 0 // Will it hit other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. GetsHitByMOs = 0 // Will it get hit by other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. SpriteFile = ContentFile // Defines what sprite will be used. FilePath = Tutorial Objects.rte/Pistol/Pistol Magazine.bmp // The location of the .bmp file used to create the magazine. FrameCount = 1 // How many frames the magazine will have. Add 000 after the first sprites name, then 001, 002, 003 etc. Eg pistol000, pistol001, pistol002 only if there are more than one frame. SpriteOffset = Vector // Defines where the sprite is located, from the upper left corner of the sprite. X = 0 // How far to the right the sprite will be located, in pixels. Negative is Left. Y = 0 // How far down the sprite will be located, in pixels. Negative is Up. ParentOffset = Vector // Defines where the object is located on the object it is attached to, from the upper left corner of the sprite. Here this object is an HDFirearm. X = -3 // How far to the right the Object will be located, in pixels. Negative is Left. Y = 0 // How far down the Object will be located, in pixels. Negative is Up. EntryWound = AEmitter // Defines the wound that the object has when it is penetrated by a pixel. CopyOf = Dent Metal // Insert wound here. ExitWound = AEmitter // Defines the wound that the object has when the pixel travels through the object and exits the other side. CopyOf = Dent Metal // Insert wound here. AtomGroup = AtomGroup // Defines what the object is made out of. AutoGenerate = 1 // Material = Material // What material the object is made out of. CopyOf = Bullet Metal // Insert material here. Resolution = 2 // Depth = 1 // JointStrength = 400 // The Amount of force required to break the joint between it and its parent object. JointStiffness = 1 // Defines the amount of force that will be transferred to the parent of this object(the pistol) if the magazine is hit (1 means full force, 0.5 half, -1 opposite) JointOffset = Vector // Defines where the joint is located, from the upper left corner of the sprite. X = 0 // How far to the right the joint will be located, in pixels. Negative is Left. Y = -3 // How far down the joint will be located, in pixels. Negative is Up. DrawAfterParent = 0 // will the object appear in front of the parent object? 1 = yes, 0 = no. RoundCount = 8 // Number of rounds contained in the Magazine RTTRatio = 4 // Round to tracer ratio. Number of regular rounds per tracer. 4 would mean 4 regular rounds fired, then a tracer, then repeat. RegularRound = Round // Defines the regular round. CopyOf = Pistol Round // Insert Round Here. TracerRound = Round // Defines the tracer round. CopyOf = Pistol Tracer Round // Insert Round Here. AddGib = Gib // Add a particle that appears when the object is destroyed. GibParticle = MOPixel // What type of particle is created. CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1 // Insert particle here. Count = 5 // Number of particles created. Spread = 2.25 // The angle in radians that defines the spread of the particles: 3.14(pi) means full circle, 1.57 means half circle, -1.57 means the other half circle. MaxVelocity = 20 // The maximum velocity that the particle will have, In pixels a second. MinVelocity = 8 // The minimum velocity that the particle will have, In pixels a second. AddGib = Gib // Add a particle that appears when the object is destroyed. GibParticle = MOSParticle // What type of particle is created. CopyOf = Gib Metal Rust Micro A // Insert particle here. Count = 4 // Number of particles created. Spread = 2.25 // The angle in radians that defines the spread of the particles: 3.14(pi) means full circle, 1.57 means half circle, -1.57 means the other half circle. MaxVelocity = 15 // The maximum velocity that the particle will have, In pixels a second. MinVelocity = 5 // The minimum velocity that the particle will have, In pixels a second. GibWoundLimit = 1 // The number of wounds that the object can sustain before being destroyed.
AddDevice = HDFirearm // Creates an HDFirearm. InstanceName = Pistol // What is the name of the HDFirearm. Description = A pistol. // Adds a description that can be read ingame. AddToGroup = Weapons // What tab the object will appear in. Buyable = 1 // Is the HDFirearm buyable ingame? 1 = yes, 0 = no. Mass = 1 // The objects weight in kilograms. HitsMOs = 0 // Will it hit other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. GetsHitByMOs = 1 // Will it get hit by other objects? 1 = yes, 0 = no. SpriteFile = ContentFile // Defines what sprite will be used. FilePath = Tutorial Objects.rte/Pistol/Pistol.bmp // The location of the .bmp file used to create the pistol. FrameCount = 1 // How many frames the pistol will have. Add 000 after the first sprites name, then 001, 002, 003 etc. Eg pistol000, pistol001, pistol002 only if there are more than one frame. SpriteOffset = Vector // Defines where the sprite is located, from the upper left corner of the sprite. X = -5 // How far to the right the sprite will be located, in pixels. Negative is Left. Y = -2 // How far down the sprite will be located, in pixels. Negative is Up. GoldCost = 15 // The objects cost, in Gold Oz, ingame. EntryWound = AEmitter // Defines the wound that the object has when it is penetrated by a pixel. CopyOf = Dent Metal Light // Insert wound here. ExitWound = AEmitter // Defines the wound that the object has when the pixel travels through the object and exits the other side. CopyOf = Dent Metal Light // Insert wound here. AtomGroup = AtomGroup // Defines what the object is made out of. AutoGenerate = 1 // Material = Material // What material the object is made out of. CopyOf = Military Stuff // Insert material here. Resolution = 2 // Depth = 0 // DeepGroup = AtomGroup // Defines the material that interacts with terrain. AutoGenerate = 1 // Material = Material // What material the object is made out of. CopyOf = Military Stuff // Insert material here. Resolution = 3 // Depth = 1 // DeepCheck = 1 // Wether this object will destroy terrain or not if this object is burried. JointStrength = 2000 // The Amount of force required to break the joint between the HDFirearm and the actor that is holding it. JointStiffness = 0.5 // Defines the amount of force that will be transferred to the parent of this object(the pistol) if the magazine is hit (1 means full force, 0.5 half, -1 opposite) JointOffset = Vector // Defines where the joint is located, from the upper left corner of the sprite. X = -3 // How far to the right the joint will be located, in pixels. Negative is Left. Y = 4 // How far down the joint will be located, in pixels. Negative is Up. DrawAfterParent = 0 // will the object appear in front of the parent object? 1 = yes, 0 = no. StanceOffset = Vector // Where the HDFirearm is held while moving and flying etc. X = 13 // Right direction, in pixels. Negative is left. Y = 4 // Down direction, in pixels. Negative is Up. SharpStanceOffset = Vector // Where the HDFirearm is held while aiming. X = 13 // Right direction, in pixels. Negative is left. Y = 2 // Down direction, in pixels. Negative is Up. SupportOffset = Vector // Where the second hand holds the weapon. X = -4 // Right direction, in pixels. Negative is left. Y = 3 // Down direction, in pixels. Negative is Up. SharpLength = 80 // How far the actor can aim, in pixels, when in sharp aim mode. Magazine = Magazine // Defines the weapons magazine. CopyOf = Pistol Magazine // Insert magazine here. Flash = Attachable // Defines the flash when the weapon is fired. CopyOf = Muzzle Flash Pistol // Insert flash here. FireSound = Sound // Defines the sound the weapon makes when firing. AddSample = ContentFile // Add a sound. FilePath = Tutorial Objects.rte/Pistol/Pistol.wav // The location of the sound file used. EmptySound = Sound // Defines the sound the weapon makes when it is fired while it has no ammo. AddSample = ContentFile // Add a sound. FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/EmptyClick3.wav // The location of the sound file used. ReloadStartSound = Sound // Defines the sound the weapon makes when the actor begins to reload it. AddSample = ContentFile // Add a sound. FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadStart.wav // The location of the sound file used. ReloadEndSound = Sound // Defines the sound that the weapon makes when the actor finishes reloading it. AddSample = ContentFile // Add a sound. FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadEnd.wav // The location of the sound file used. RateOfFire = 150 // The number of rounds fired per minute. ReloadTime = 1000 // Time in thousandths of a second that it takes to reload the weapon. FullAuto = 0 // Is this HDFirearm fully automatic or not? 1 = yes, 0 = no. FireIgnoresThis = 1 // Wether or not fired particles will ignore the gun (not hit it) 1=yes, 0=no. ShakeRange = 7 // How much the actors arm will shake, in pixels, when holding the weapon. SharpShakeRange = 2 // How much the actors arm will shake, in pixels, when holding the weapon in sharp aim mode. NoSupportFactor = 2.5 // by what factor the shake ranges will increase when the second arm is not supporting the weapon. ParticleSpreadRange = 0 // How much, in radians, the particles of a round will seperate from one another when fired. ShellSpreadRange = 8 // How much, in degrees, the shell casing can vary from its ejection vector. ShellAngVelRange = 2 // OneHanded = 1 // Can you fire this weapon with one hand? 1 = yes, 0 = no. MuzzleOffset = Vector // Defines where the muzzle is located, from the upper left corner of the sprite. X = 10 // How far to the right the Muzzle will be located, in pixels. Negative is Left. Y = -1 // How far down the muzzle will be located, in pixels. Negative is Up. EjectionOffset = Vector // Defines where the shell casing ejection is located, from the upper left corner of the sprite. X = 5 // How far to the right the shell casing ejection will be located, in pixels. Negative is Left. Y = -1 // How far down the shell casing ejection will be located, in pixels. Negative is Up. AddGib = Gib // Gibs, like those of the mag. GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1 Count = 6 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 20 MinVelocity = 8 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Spark Yellow 2 Count = 5 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 20 MinVelocity = 8 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Drop Oil Count = 4 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 10 MinVelocity = 1 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Rust Micro A Count = 6 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 15 MinVelocity = 5 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Grey Micro A Count = 4 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 15 MinVelocity = 5 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSRotating CopyOf = Gib Device Small K Count = 1 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 10 MinVelocity = 1 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSRotating CopyOf = Gib Device Small I Count = 1 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 10 GibWoundLimit = 2
Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:03 pm
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:48 pm Posts: 8
Re: Granada's mod: Pi doctors (06/16/2011)
Oh, lol Most of the ini i pasted from base.rte, another i pasted from the wiki.
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