Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Here they are. Sorry for the slowness of my posting. I didn't really have any other time to check the forum. I see Nonsequitorian posted pretty quickly after all.
ATTENTION - I HAVE A RULE CHANGE HEREBy the word of.... well... me. It is been seen fit that all Players be allowed to carry a maximum bracket [] total of fifteen, because twelve is just not enough.
Long live Nighthawk! (Long live me.)Tokochiro (2)
You try to bandage your back, but don't feel flexible enough to reach it at this moment.
"Uhhh, where is everyone? I need some help here."There isn't an reponse, besides a rather loud
*BOOM*That thing is getting too close.
Inv. [8]
-Bomb [2]
-Bandages (5) [3]
Eq.-Cane [3]
P-Abilities-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
Injuries-Clawed Back (Bleeding, death in 2 turns)
Ociamarru (4)
You run to your shop to grab one of your weapons. It takes a while, but you finally reach the place. You walk inside, and take in the scent of the smith's kitchen and the heat of the forge before taking a look around. You see many fine weapons of many different weights here and there, but there is one you made about a month ago that you think is surely one of your best works. It is a fine longsword, made of strong steel that knows no rust. Its hilt is crafted from silver and fitted with a leather handhold. You swing the blade experimentally to find it well balanced and strong. A smile crosses your face, and you sheath it, then run off.
Inv. [13]
-Hammer [3]
-Nikolai's Longsword [4]
Eq.-Sturdy Tree Limb [4]
-Gauntlets [2]
P-Abilities-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)
HEN (5)
You exit your tower just as the top is destroyed by the Greater Demon's swinging arm. You stuff the sickle away and grab your crossbow once again. Then you run... and run... and run... and holy crap how did you get that far? You turn and see that you are now in a spot a LOT further from the Greater Demon.
Inv. [7]
-Sickle [4]
Eq.-Compound Crossbow (4/6) [3]
P-Abilities-In the Shadows (+1 to stealth rolls)
Hyperkultra (5)
You turn to the old man and his kids.
"You and your children, let's go. We have absolutely no chance of winning against that thing."The man nods and pulls his children along. Soon everyone is in a full run. It seems nobody argues when there is something that massive on their heels. But where are you going?
"All citizens of Colber! We are overrun! I repeat, overrun! All are to flee west to the mountains! Take what you can, but do not go back for your other belongings! We are in great danger! Go with haste!"Well, that's easy. You happen to be going west, towards the setting sun. And you can see the mountains from here.
Inv. [4]
-Hip Flask [2]
Eq.-Dagger [2]
P-Abilities-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)
Adam (6)
You look around for civilians who need help getting away. There was just an announcement about heading west, so you're guessing there has to be someone coming...
Hey, look! There's one! Or... two... twenty... thousand... Oh. Crap. It's a mob.
You turn the other way and run west. Something tells you they don't need any help whatsoever.
Inv. [6]
Eq.-Knife w/ Knuckled Handguard [2]
-Chainmail [4]
P-Ablities-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)
Injuries-Broken Nose (-1 charisma)
Nonsequitorian (3)
You run back up to the top of the tower only to find that it is gone. When did that happen? Lucky thing you were a couple levels lower! It won't offer much cover anymore, but you can shoot at just about anything from here. Including the Greater Demon, which is much too close already. You reload your gun.
Inv. [7]
-Powder Horn and Ball Bag (49/50) [3]
Eq.-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (1/1) [4]
P-Abilities-Ranged Mechanical Weapons Knowledge (+1 to repair if roll is 2 or lower) (+1 to use of Dan's Rifle) (-2 to bow and arrow)
EVENTSThe citizens are running west for the mountains, as well as some of the Players. Not everyone wants to fight the Greater Demon.
But all the Players are bound by fate. You must decide what you will do. No one can triumph alone. The party must fight or flee, but they must do so together.