Failed to load "Base.rte/GUIs/Skins/MainMenu"
Yesterday I bought CortexCommand from the Indie Humble Bundle 2.
I've just installed it to "/home/T4b/CortexCommand" and wanted to launch it, I tried both the shell script "/home/T4b/CortexCommand/CortexCommand" and the binary file "/home/T4b/CortexCommand/CortexCommand.bin". The error message and the terminal output is for both the same:
Failed to load datafile object with following path and name:
The last frame has been dumped to abortscreen.bmp
t4b@t4b-desktop:~/CortexCommand$ ./CortexCommand
Trace/breakpoint trap
t4b@t4b-desktop:~/CortexCommand$ ./CortexCommand.bin
Trace/breakpoint trap
abortscreen.bmp ist just a 640x480 picture filled with black.
I've got Ubuntu 10.04 64Bit with some PPAs, so some of my software is newer than it would be in a default 10.04, but by the look of the error message that shouldn't matter, should it?
What isn't working, what have I done wrongly?