Sorry about disappointingly disappearing. I can not control my
urges. When MML3 was announced I got too excited about that.
After that I nearly programmed a game on my own. But now:

I still have to paint it though. Eventually all of the slides with figures
will have CC-scale figures.
A few comments on this slide: I wanted it to be more effective narratively,
with more fun stuff to look at. I made maybe 5-6 attempts at illustrating
the VR concept, but ultimately I went for this space angle instead.
It suggests that the frontier is moving. Old bodies are left behind (hence beard).
The rocket lifting off might provide a transition to the exploration ship slide.
I used the dummy robot design, which might have been state of the art at
the time of this slide. Apparently Alchiral exists in some form too.
The devices behind the "dwarf" as someone called him, shares some vague
similarities with the famous Da Vinci anatomy drawing (square and circle).
And that corner is obviously not 90 degrees. I just didn't want to draw ellipses.
I hate ellipses. The moon orbit and Earth shadow might be incorrect.
Also, Star Control reference, but where?
I might have to read up...