Universal UnionCode:
The Combine, also referred to as the Universal Union, is a fictional multidimensional empire, which serves as the primary antagonistic force in the Half-Life video game series, developed by Valve Corporation. The Combine consist of alien, synthetic and human elements, and dominate Earth. They are regularly encountered throughout Half-Life 2 and its episodic expansions as hostile non-player characters as the player progresses through the games in an effort to overthrow the Combine occupation of Earth. - Wikipedia
UNITSPRESS 'F' TO USE ABILITYOption to change in the Combine.lua script.----------------------------------------------------
CIVIL PROTECTIONCombine's Law Enforcment agency on earth. Also known as Metro Cops.
Comes equiped with a USP Match Pistol.
Ability to Give out Manhacks.
OVERWATCH SOLDIERPrimary Military force for the Combine, Biomechanicaly Enhanced Humans.
Comes equiped with a MP7 SMG
Ability to Regenerate Health
-Note- When not controlled will Automatically use the power when health is under 25.
OVERWATCH ELITEElite force and higher ranking, Also known as Combine Elite.
Comes equiped with a Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle or AR2
Ability to Fire Pulse Balls
-Note- May cause Crashing and you can still fire it even without the AR2 in inventory.
Hold the Ability Button for a laser sight and must be held for it to charge.
USP Match PistolDuplicate of the USP
Medium Stoping Power
Python RevolverDuplicate of the Colt Python Revolver
High Stopping Power
MP7 SMGDuplicate of the MP7
High Fire Rate
SPAS-12 ShotgunDuplicate of the Spas-12
High Stoping Power
Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle
AR2Common Combine Military Weapon
Medium Fire Rate, Medium Stoping Power
Overwatch Sniper RifleCommon Combine Military Weapon
High Stopping Power
MK3A2 GrenadeCommon Combine Military Explosive
High Explosive Damage
CaveCricket48 - About a Metric ♥♥♥♥ of Lua help, thanks Man.
dragonxp - Beta Testing.
Any Bugs please Report to me.