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 So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much... 
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
May as well jump on this train...

There I was, alone...I wasn't alone, though, until a few minutes ago. They showed up out of nowhere, the yellow bastards.
Almost took the base right then and there, on their first strike. I looked around, saw a pile of bodies, the wreckage of our backup.
Now it was just me and a seemingly never-ending horde of those freakish automatons. None of that mattered right now, though.
One thought in my mind...protect the brain. So there I was, at Ketanot Hills, with a medic drone and a high-powered rifle at my side
and a mission that my survival depended on.

I could hear it, the sound of the first Dummy ship coming in. Looked through the scope, fired at the nearest engine to no avail. Too well-
protected for me to penetrate. But the Dummies...they were soft enough targets. The closest one is my first kill of the evening. It just
drops right away. Then I see one that spots me, opens fire. I take a shot. It misses the head, breaking off a leg instead. I frantically
fire again before it scores a hit. Another miss, this time I don't even hit it at all. Third shot, though, and it's down.
One left. When that last one went down, it took out this one's weapon, so it pulls out a digger and charges me, jetting towards me.
Quickly I take aim, breath deeply and fire, praying for a hit. I score another headshot, and the body flys right beneath me, dead.
Well, if they were ever alive, anyway...

Of course, it isn't long before another ship comes in. I can't see it through the thick smoke left by the rocket that was carrying my
backup. But one of the Yellowheads walks in through the smoke, and I take a shot. It hits the ground right next to its feet. Before
it can take a shot, I fire off another round, and it takes its head clean off.
But before I take out the remaining 2 Dummies, I hear another ship. I'm starting to realize how dire my situation is, how little hope
I have of making it.
I don't have time to worry right now, though...another Dummy comes flying in through the smoke, and my first shot misses the head,
destroying its weapon and sending it careening forward, off-balance. Another shot and it's down.

Looking back up, I see two of 'em. I get one of 'em in the head before another dropship comes in, right next to my position. A dummy
starts firing an automatic nailgun at me, and I duck. I hear the clang of a bullet hitting metal; a round hit my rifle. Already another dropship
is coming in; now there are four or five Dummies right by me. I realize I'm ♥♥♥♥ by now, no chance of living. And I'm right. Three of those
bastards start firing, and bits of the rock I've made my roost start flying off. Then, I feel a sharp pain in my arm, followed by another two
in my leg. I'm bleeding out, everything's going black. I've forgotten about the medic drone. Quickly, I head for it before it's too late, while
the brain unit I'm guarding calls in some heavier weaponry for me, a rocket launcher.

I barely make it, clutching my wounds. A Dummy fires at the dropship delivering my new armament, but I quickly take it out. Then, the
Coalition-made craft crashes behind me; apparently the other Dummies were firing at it. My Medic drone took a hit, too...don't know
what I'm gonna do now. And somewhere in all of this, I've lost my rifle. Looks like I've got nothing but this rocket launcher and my drone
that's now missing a leg.

Firing a shot below me, the resulting explosion deafens me as bits of mechanical components and dirt flies above me. That means a hit.
I've got some time to rest, now...but not too much longer before another ship comes in. And those dummies breached the base, too.
I've gotta pay more attention to keeping them away.
Another dropship, this one I take aim and fire. A near-miss. Forcing another rocket into the tube, I look down the sight and prepare
for another shot, prepping for the knockback. Looking down the rocket as it exits the launcher, I see it hit right before a Dummy,
sending it flying backward into one of its allies. Another hit takes care of the rest.

The last dropship I'll see appears right above me. Two of the yellow automatons drop in right on top of me, and without thinking, I
fire a shot. Sure, it takes out my foes and the ship that brought them here...but looking down in horror, I see that my entire
midsection is shredded to bits. Clutching my gaping wound, I fall backwards, as everything goes dark. I hear more dropping in
in the distance...but it doesn't matter...everything's black now, can't think anything but that it's over, I've failed, I'm done.

Credit goes to Crow's Brutality Mod; decided to do a Medium Skirmish trying to protect my brain as a Coalition Sniper with a medic drone. Backup I ordered got taken out, right away, though...

EDIT: Someone should do one of these FanFics from the point of view of an enemy.

Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:58 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
I have to say this was a nice read, and quite epic.

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:44 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
The black and orange craft descended ominously towards the small landing pad, the small engines whirring dully as they blazed. The craft seemed to sway gently, and seemed a little bit unstable, but its sturdy armor and quiet engines made it a terror that you never saw coming. Such craft had not been seen very often on Midas... Though it was possible that they had appeared more often than was known, and nobody ever survived to tell of them.

Inside the hold of the craft, a terror far greater than the craft itself was waiting, and psyching himself up for the battle to come....

As the doors of the SOMAG-1131 Mk2 Dropship opened, Warrior-919 Leapt out of the craft. There was a grand thud as his massive, power-armored feet made contact with the small landing pad. Through the communications suite installed in his suit, he received a message from the Brain he had been hired to aid.

*Alright 919, my corporation paid good money for you. I want every one of those filthy Ronin sprayed all over the planet. This installation is a perfect staging area for mining. Clean the vermin out.*

The Merc heaved a sigh, then checked his loadout. A SIG-LOS Cannon... Should be able to take out any meatbag with a shot or two. A BAP-9 Auto Shotgun... Excellent for busting doors, perforating fleshies, and opening Brain Jars. Finally, he had two IL-12 Fuel Air Grenades dangling from his belt. It would be good for roasting ronins in their bunkers, before they knew what hit them.

With a few blasts from his heavy jetpack, he leapt over the first hill, and began the mission. He plodded down the hill, and found a small sandpit, at the base of a mountain. There, a lone ronin waited, YAK in hands.
The rebel soldier spotted 919, but before he could react, the trademark pulsing THUMP sounded as the Heavy soldier pulled the trigger of his cannon. The blue bolt of energy tore through the air, and smashed into the hapless foe. In a fountain of blood and bone, his arms splattered, and his gun flew away from him, still clutched in hands that were no longer attached...

A second bolt finished the job, reducing the foe to a red paste. 919 grinned, then plodded forward, entering the tunnel that the inept doorguard had been protecting. As he walked, he popped the battery out of the cannon, and jammed in a new one. He liked to keep his ammo count maxed, whenever possible.

His slow advance was halted by a pair of standard bunker doors. Without skipping a beat, Warrior 919 slung the cannon over his shoulder, and pulled out his shotgun. The weapon barked once... Twice... Three times, and the top door shattered, revealing the surprised face of a female rebel. She hit the ground, hiding behind the lower door, but the unflinching warrior merely waited, his shotgun trained on the empty space.

When the blonde poked her head over the lip of the door, to try and get a better look at the monstrosity that was attacking, he dispassionately squeezed the trigger again. A volley of high grade buckshot, propelled at absurd velocities by a blast of kinetic energy burned through the air, before reducing her pretty face into raw hamburger.
A few more blasted scrapped what was left of the door, and the Warrior moved on. As he entered the bunker, he saw a pair of legs dangling from a ledge above him, where a sniper was perched. Further ahead and above, another guard sat on a platform. 919 wasted no time firing the shotgun, tearing through the exposed legs. A few more blasts splattered the de-legged soldier as he fell, and the perched guard before she could respond.

"Pathetic.." If these chuckleheads were the best this installation had to offer, this really would be nothing more than an extermination job... After all, insects couldn't put up much of a fight.

Alright, so this is part one. The faction should be easy to guess (Since I used the names of the weapons and dropship) but the mission might be harder. It's not vanilla content.

Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:24 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
SAW and Astro?

Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:11 am

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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Ding and Ding.

Not sure if I'll continue... This is kinda crappy. Of course, I wrote it at 2 or 3 AM...

Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:01 am

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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
ROFL. I always do the same thing when I play in any mission (not of mods... of course), this reminds me something. Oh, yes, I never played with the undead faction, just with the armored guys, so, I think this makes me a complete coward... or a guy with hi-tech on the hands :P

Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:19 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Don't worry.

No-one plays with undead.

Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:09 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
The Egotist wrote:
Ding and Ding.

Not sure if I'll continue... This is kinda crappy. Of course, I wrote it at 2 or 3 AM...

Go on. I liked it.

Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:04 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Ociamarru wrote:
EDIT: Someone should do one of these FanFics from the point of view of an enemy.

Here's one:

I, Dafred am coming down in the rocket Mk1. I get out, looking around. My rocket lands on me. The end.

Seriously, thats how most of those would go due to the bad AI.

Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:08 pm

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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
HOLY FRIGGIN ♥♥♥♥ MAN....ur one of those....awsome writer pplz....ive had some awsome things....what are the green things...the zombies?...a mod?....if its a mod TELL ME HOW U GOT IT TO WORK I PUT MODS IN CC AND THEY DIDNT SHOW UP PLZ TELL ME....anyway great movies....if the epic story thing isnt up then ill put it up....if it is up ill check it out....^.^

1. This is hardly related to the topic, if at all.
2. What are you even saying...?
Please clean up your posts in the future. -Duh

Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:09 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Joining in:

The clone: TS-M-C-H85771 - an elite, and as such, bestowed with a degree of free will - peered through the foxhole's optic, and what he beheld delivered a twinge of dread that raced down his back and dwelled in his stomach. Held still and bolt upright by the shock as his suppressed cognitive functions attempted to define, and recollect the information. As he thought, it dawned upon him in a wave of utter terror: the dull green-blue colour that adorned the ranks of the feared...


TS-M-C-H85771 had murmured. The two other units, his comrades: TS-M-C-H85772 & TS-M-C-H85773, revolved to face the shuddering olive drab figure looking through the optic. The craft originally located by the Clone rushed overhead with a deafening roar and the ground shook as if the dirt below were trembling in fear.

The machine's footfalls were audiable.

They pushed closer...

Until they were overshadowing the very pit that held the clones so dear.

Inside the foxhole, silence.
They all knew one thing: there was no way out. Occasional mechanical noise made them all jumpy. Then... A pad, a foot, was placed on the cover of the hole, and one bot had walked straight over the pit, then another, then another. The clone whispered “This must be a mining unit.” , The other two nodded.

Another craft swooped in, a Coalition military drop ship, and hovered from the ground where, a moment ago, the angular ship had been earlier.
From the craft dropped several heavy coalition units armed with armour piercing missile tubes, and a heavily armoured brain unit.
The machines abruptly swivelled and pointed large, cubic weapons and the platoon, and fired! The firearms made a terrifying 'Kraka' noise when fired in full automatic, and the bullets were likeable to large, sharp needles that sheared through the air without any trouble at all, it's true that the same can be said for people...

To be continued due to laziness and the fact that my time spent writing this could have been better used in homework.

Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:48 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

I wrote this on a serious tangent to CC. It doesn't really make much sense, and there's no real action. The formatting took me longer than the story.

Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:27 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Roast Veg wrote:
Here is my fanfic which sucks ass

Then why are you posting it for a second time?

Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:34 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Because I need more feedback? Because it directly applies to the topic? To give an example as what not to do when writing one of these?

It applies.

Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:46 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Speaking of feedback, Id appreciate some thoughts on my unfinished piece, if anyone would be so kind.

Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:11 pm
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