Re: Gaming demographic shifts
Lol Duh, about the pilot, she was a tough cookie. And she WAS about to talk after you broke her fingers, but then 3POK had to go and cut off her toe. (For anyone reading this out of context, just smile and nod.
The articles seemed to exaggerate thing quite a bit. I haven't seen anything about 'gamer girls' being special or anything.
I DO tend to play along with the joke of girls not existing on the internet though. Always fun as long as nobody takes it personally.
I'd like to think the problem of guys giving "gamer girls" extra attention only exists in slightly older gamers, back from when gaming was "nerdy".
Either that or the guys are just being jerks, but to be honest I haven't seen girls get special attention online other than people messing with them.
As far as girls on the internet, I try not to treat them any different... But in general I think people are biased towards be nicer to the gender they're attracted to.
Also it's kinda silly... If you click the link to the original article kotaku was quoting, it asks for equality, then at the end it starts whining about how "gamer girls" are better gamers than guys... Self-contradiction much?