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by Cybernetic

Spin off of "A CLONE" by Casual Hero

I was created in a factory like my brothers. I remember my first moment, standing in a line with the rest who look like me. I remember a light with a figure in front of it. It told us who we were, who we really were. We were programmed to obey, no control, no existence. There was no decision in our actions, no choice in our movement. Our memory is all we had.

I can remember marching into a container – then jumping out of a dropship. We do not know what we do; yet remember every detail of it. I remember being placed in a room, a test weapon ready in my hands, my finger pulling the trigger, dummy 2421 falling down, dummy 259 blasting into pieces, 738’s head falling off, my hands returning the weapon.

I can remember my arms taking up a test blaster 203, my head turning left and right, my legs moving up and down. I can remember my alert flashing, my brothers running, some falling, my arms shaking, my head turning, a wire flying, my vision dying.

I can remember a green CMF clone taking me into a training hanger. My hands held a weapon, it fired, a clone fell – his red spurting out. I looked at the red, saw a flash, flew back and looked at the ceiling, white light poured in, a brown figure jumped down. I remember the grey concrete slab on me while my alert flashed at the crash of glass and an inner click of a switch. Then everything stopped and I existed for the first time without memory or sense. Without sight nor hearing.

After a long period I regained my vision. I was still under the slab. I pushed it from my torso, got up and flew through the ceiling. I saw human and clone bodies everywhere – they did not move. I didn’t know where to go, but I flew because now for the first time… I could.

In the distance beyond the towering stones I saw an assault simulation on a test controller – but it understood. Suddenly my switch flicked off. I came down, took dummy controller 44M, fixed it into the ship where after I was given over to dummy controller 12F and the ship escaped. I turned, my weapon fired, my legs moved, a clone got past, the controller fizzed and my switch flicked on. I fired my jet pack, flew away – a shot fired, my leg swayed, my jet pack died but I got away…
I do not know why I can speak, why I think. But I think - there’s a brain inside of me. Which of I only have control when the switch is on.



Do you have a brain as well?

-Yes, dummy I also have a brain.

Do you have a switch?


Oh... but how do you think- by your self? Why can't I be free?

-I think they made you like that, because they don't want you to be free, dummy.



Then why am I free when im with you?

-Because I'm free.

continuation to be posted after the mod release

Last edited by Cybernetic on Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:07 am, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:07 pm
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Post Re: A DUMMY
Casual Hero's was a lot better to be honest.

Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:30 pm
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Post Re: A DUMMY
Note: this is not a remake or a competitive writing to over power Casual Hero's story its to empower it and continue on it. Anyone can continue the story through writing a Browncoat or something... lol.
Instead this should be seen in the light of a story of a DUMMY scince thats what it is all about. The topic is not A something the topic is about the life of a dummy, to be compared to the nature of a dummy. Where Casual heros story is to be compared to the life of a clone. Now someone can write a story about another cc character and we can compare that to the life of that caracter. :)

Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:08 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: A DUMMY
Hmm... I'm not sure this really fits CC style, but it's well written none the less. Would anyone mind comparing this with my Ronin story? I'd just like to know how they match up.

Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:11 pm
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Post Re: A DUMMY
Thought about it and will do.
Oh and this has EVERY thing to do with cc - actually based on true events (according to the community and Proms idea of cc), you just didn't fill in the gaps well enough. Remember this is not just another dummy - dummies don't have brains and switches in them. Clones don't become intelligent and philosophy in general but this is because this clone and dummy are different - yet normal.

Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:13 am
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