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 Double Origin Graphing 
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Post Re: Double Origin Graphing
Geti wrote:
no, recursion is also doing it for angles >2pi, for example 12 and 6 rads would also be a point. Yes it is essentially graphing a huge series of intersections. It makes a huge difference to the product, especially for polynomial etc equations.

could you link me to an actual document somewhere on this because google's not returning anything on this

Also that is what I said, adding 2pi(I also meant 4pi, 6pi, 8pi, 10pi, ad infinitum)

also saying something like 12 radians is p disgusting considering that is really no common angle

But uh, how would (pi/2, pi/4) be a different point than (5pi/2, 9pi/4)? You'll be drawing the lines at the same exact angle from each origin, in the end.....

also I think I'll download your script and take a look at what you really mean now

Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:36 pm
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Post Re: Double Origin Graphing
Because the angles get larger and overlap at different points.
I'm drawing with a mouse, so forgive me for all the incorrect rushed angles etc.
when you go higher than 2pi rads, using a coefficient that isn't 1 you can find all sorts of extra points, which is half of the point of this. The gradients are much different for .5 and 1, and 50 and 100, and so on. i wish i could get the powerpoint he had on it... maybe I'll email him.
Problem is, I'm drawing the current one using math.atan2 on each point rather than finding the intercepts like I should be.

on the lecturer, apparently he hasn't published anything on it.
a wiki on him, and the lecture news item.. There isn't much to be read, which is why this took as long as it did to get made (2+ hours as opposed to 30 mins).

Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:56 am
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Post Re: Double Origin Graphing
Mind elaborating on how you're drawing those graphs by hand? How you're deciding to draw a line based on the single coordinate pair you're given? Are you really just drawing a straight line on that angle after going that distance in radians around the point?

I'm looking at your code and it really just seems like a mess, you're taking the atan2 of distances from each origin and then subtracting the atan2 of the distance between origins and then converting it into degrees? (I can't visualize how that is going to give you anything coherent)

Why not keep it in radians?

And would you comment on how this is supposed to determine correctness of a point to the graph(I can see that it would get whiter if the difference between the angles approaches 0, as it'd increase at a high rate)?


I think I'm beginning to understand what you mean, but if I'm understanding correctly I still can't see how you could POSSIBLY get more than one point. Are you saying you would be getting one point if you did it properly and got the exact point where the lines drawn by the given angles intersect eachother(you said "intercepts", I'm assuming you are intercepting with some kind of axis? or did you just mean where the lines pass through eachother?)

Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:22 am
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Post Re: Double Origin Graphing
1. yes
2. yes, it is.
3. i was using degrees for rounding, though i don't need that any more. thanks for picking up on that, actually.
4.the *255 is because that's used for the alpha index of the point (to get the glow) and the randomness is for stippling as it's currently a cloud and not intended as very mathematically accurate. the inverse is to make it whiter closer to the line rather than farther.
-> my code is crap. I might touch it tonight but I'm both doing ludum dare and going to a party so that could be a bad idea.
5. yes, intercept is here where the two lines intersect each other. i'm assuming we're going to change to doing this properly rather than a cloud if we're putting recursion in (as we'd kind of need to :P). the point is we arent using any real axis except the line going through the two points (which is treated as 0 rads, and all angles are taken from it).

If you do it in Lua i'll be able to be more helpful with this, currently i dont have any good c/pp ides installed.

Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:05 am
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Post Re: Double Origin Graphing
hooray, new version!
now does recursion, as well as the correct maths. recursion bumps up the sample rate, preventing patchy lines. did this because I wanted some trig practice as well as an excuse to code.

Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:28 am
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Post Re: Double Origin Graphing
'ray, a version with programmable functions, in windows version cause all y'all use the stupid thing.
For now you must define the function as b=<whatever>, and any trig or log functions must be defined as they would be in lua (that is, math.sin(<whatever>) etc), but at least it's done.
I'll probably also make some way of defining it as a=<whatever> too, for consistency with the old version but it's interesting as is and I'm going to sleep cause I've got exams tomorrow. I worked on this cause it was maths related.
b=math.sin(a) is a ~parabola btw.

Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:39 pm
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