Prom. You're back. For good.

Now, lemme get down to business.
Most of what I'll talk about concerns the Coalition, because they're so damn cool. Well, at any rate.
- Heavy guy is awesome. No, I mean it. Maybe you
could add a bit of extra armor around his legs, but not too much, to keep them as a weak spot? Maybe.
- Light gal is... too light? I dunno, she seems more like a skeleton than a clone. Maybe you could make her about the same size as the current coalition light, but with some, eh,
distinctive features? Aside from a bit of extra speed but a reduced health? Dunno, too.
- Please, please keep the current light and heavy guys. They just seem so iconic to me. Dunno, I even picture them as having a kind of Laurel and Hardy ( relationship. I can't think of CC without their chibi-style masked faces.
Actually, now that I'm at it, lemme do a small relationship chart, just 'cause I have too much free time:
--Brute: A tough and strong dude, with a matching personality. Likes teasing smaller clones and berates them quite a lot, but often gets depressed because the Gal ignores his romantic advances.
-Berates light and heavy;
-Is in love with the Gal, but she barely notices;
--Heavy: Hardy from Laurel and Hardy. Tries to be look serious to hide his bad luck, but usually fails.
-Dislikes the Brute thoroughly, but has no courage to stand up against him;
-Bosses the Light around, but isn't too good at it. They're best friends, secretly. Is also angry at him for falling in love with the Gal.
-Is usually angry at the Gal since she made Light fall in love.
--Light: He's Laurel. Usually cheery and a wee bit dumb, gets out of tight situations through dumb luck.
-Is too happy to bother with the Brute's teasing, doesn't know that he is also in love with the Gal;
-Is the heavy's best friend, despite being bossed around by him. Once again, he's too happy to bother;
-Totally in love with the Gal, but doesn't know how to show his feelings;
--Gal: Actually a bit of an evil mastermind. She's usually cheery and charming, but that's just a disguise to be attractive to the others. Likes to charm the others and then ignore them just to watch their embarassment.
-Pretends to ignore the fact that the Brute loves her, instead seeming attracted to the Light just to tease the big guy;
-Doesn't bother with the Heavy, since he appears to be immune to her charms;
-Pretends to be in love with the Light, just to bother the Brute. As the story progresses she will actually start to like him really;
...Yeah, I've always though of CC as a futuristic wartime SitCom. Laugh at me all you want.