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 Concept art 
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Post Re: Concept art
Imperatus is blackbots I suppose.

Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:41 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
Does this mean that were ditchin the browncoats?

Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:59 pm
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Probably not. Browncoats and Ronin are most likely minor factions, with Coalition, Dummy, Whitebot and Imperatus being the big names.

Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:40 pm
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Looks like dummies are minor as well, actually.

Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:43 pm
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When you think about it they have a really bad back story and origin.

Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:50 pm

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Post Re: Concept art
So the Imperatus are robots too?? i think it would be great if they were aliens, to breack a bit with so many robots base factions

Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:57 pm
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imperitus should be advanced humanoid cyborgs who are like 3/4s robotic. so they have like a brain and a reinforced skeleton and a few organs but the rest is machine. and their so cybernetic some opted for spyderlike forms and such.

Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:24 am
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Post Re: Concept art
You mean Crobotech?

Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:58 am

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Post Re: Concept art
Crobos with spider legs?? awsome :grin:

Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:02 am
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Post Re: Concept art
Joe wrote:
You mean Crobotech?

Crobo Technologies primarily use robot bodies, with proto brains...

Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:13 am
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Post Re: Concept art
Well, true... but it does kind of go w/ Lafe's idea.

I agree. The Imperialis should be organic, but I would like to see Capnbubs be the lead content developer for that faction.

Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:53 am
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Post Re: Concept art
Prom. You're back. For good.



Now, lemme get down to business.

Most of what I'll talk about concerns the Coalition, because they're so damn cool. Well, at any rate.

- Heavy guy is awesome. No, I mean it. Maybe you could add a bit of extra armor around his legs, but not too much, to keep them as a weak spot? Maybe.

- Light gal is... too light? I dunno, she seems more like a skeleton than a clone. Maybe you could make her about the same size as the current coalition light, but with some, eh, distinctive features? Aside from a bit of extra speed but a reduced health? Dunno, too.

- Please, please keep the current light and heavy guys. They just seem so iconic to me. Dunno, I even picture them as having a kind of Laurel and Hardy ( relationship. I can't think of CC without their chibi-style masked faces.

Actually, now that I'm at it, lemme do a small relationship chart, just 'cause I have too much free time:


--Brute: A tough and strong dude, with a matching personality. Likes teasing smaller clones and berates them quite a lot, but often gets depressed because the Gal ignores his romantic advances.
-Berates light and heavy;
-Is in love with the Gal, but she barely notices;

--Heavy: Hardy from Laurel and Hardy. Tries to be look serious to hide his bad luck, but usually fails.
-Dislikes the Brute thoroughly, but has no courage to stand up against him;
-Bosses the Light around, but isn't too good at it. They're best friends, secretly. Is also angry at him for falling in love with the Gal.
-Is usually angry at the Gal since she made Light fall in love.

--Light: He's Laurel. Usually cheery and a wee bit dumb, gets out of tight situations through dumb luck.
-Is too happy to bother with the Brute's teasing, doesn't know that he is also in love with the Gal;
-Is the heavy's best friend, despite being bossed around by him. Once again, he's too happy to bother;
-Totally in love with the Gal, but doesn't know how to show his feelings;

--Gal: Actually a bit of an evil mastermind. She's usually cheery and charming, but that's just a disguise to be attractive to the others. Likes to charm the others and then ignore them just to watch their embarassment.
-Pretends to ignore the fact that the Brute loves her, instead seeming attracted to the Light just to tease the big guy;
-Doesn't bother with the Heavy, since he appears to be immune to her charms;
-Pretends to be in love with the Light, just to bother the Brute. As the story progresses she will actually start to like him really;

...Yeah, I've always though of CC as a futuristic wartime SitCom. Laugh at me all you want. :P

Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:13 am
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Post Re: Concept art
Why must the girl be a ♥♥♥♥♥? Also, I'd prefer my 2D physics-action-sidescrollers to be devoid of romantic sub-plots.

Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:23 am
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Post Re: Concept art
If you ever become a brainbot, you making scenarios with those four is not unlikely.

Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:25 am
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Post Re: Concept art
Heh, pretty much what I thought. Sure, I know the clones are supposed to be brainless meat puppets, but I reckon that they would have at least a basic level of sentience. That, combined with the boredom of disembodied brains... well, I have this mental image of a brainbot having a make-believe tea party with fully armed war mechs. :roll:

But in the end I agree with Tomaster, that stuff doesn't really fit with CC's style. Let's leave it to the imagination of lonely players, shall we? :P

Now, back to being serious. Feel free to ignore all of my following opinions and suggestions, but I can't resist to throwing my two cents.

-The whole pin-ups for the stats screen idea is awesome. Good heavens, I was gonna suggest that if you hadn't thought of it already.

-The leftmost brainbot: Well, the design is great (like all of your designs, actually :) ) , but the whole scorpion-like body seems a bit too... alien/organic for the Coalition. I kind of imagine the CMF as being a more reallistic faction, with some classic army designs and features.

-The center brainbot: Looks good in general, but the cylinder-shaped body simply doesn't make it for me. Seems too simple a shape, compared to the detailed limbs.

-The rightmost brainbot: OK, now this is what I call an Arne drawing. I just can't find any problems with it, no matter how much I try.

-The CPU: Aww, he's so cute. :3

-The tank: Now that's classy. Everyone's been waiting for it since you first released those intro sprites.

-The mobile turrets: Dunno about these ones. A simple sphere with legs, once again, seems too simple to me.

-The static turrets: A+. Period.

-The dropship: Very very good design. It's the dream craft of any clone. Happy face for it indeed.

-The rockets: Reeeally dunno about them. They're not bad, but seem a bit... box-ey, perhaps?

--The Whitebots:

-Basic whitebot: Not much to say about this one. It's the classic whitebot we all know and love. :3

-The silver bane: Another "dunno" on my list. It does look very good, but the shape seem a little unfeasible.

-The tiny crab thingy: A solid design, but I'm not too sure of it's function.

-The CPU: Seems a bit out of place to me. If the whitebots are supposed to be the most technologically advanced faction, why would they use such a retro design?

-The rocket and dropship: Classy, as always. A+.


Gee, I feel so guilty when I criticise the King of Spriting... Gah, just ignore any negative comments I made, OK? :roll:

Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:25 pm
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