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 So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much... 
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Well i was thinking exclusively CC stories, but i suppose that works. :D

Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:48 pm

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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
The Epic Stories thread made by Warguy got locked. Might as well post them here.

My vision blurred as I looked out the window of my drop-pod, hurtling to the ground. I never liked the drop-pods. Always small as hell. Its annoying, you never get any time to load your weapon or make sure you have anything ready.

I was a Pelian Army medium soldier, hired as a mercenary for some small corporations bunker in a mountain. Supposedly ♥♥♥♥ was going down over there. I liked a diverse load-out, and thus had chosen an Enfield L85 and an advanced medi-kit from Unitec, and a couple air grenades from MCD.

I felt the vibrations as the drop-pod hit the dirt, the shock thankfully being nullified greatly by the Nano-fiber interlaced metal. The door opened up, and I hurtled out with a quick blast of my jetpack. I was on the top of the mountain, and was soon sent a link-up from the hub of this bunker I was supposed to protect. I quickly got connected to it, and a voice came out of my helmet speakers.

"Good to have you here, mercenary." I crawled forward a bit, looking out over the valley before responding.
"Yeah yeah, just send me the E-map to your bunker and lets get this show on the road."
After a few seconds, a map came up on my helmet screen. It was a simple bunker. A brain bunker, a few hallways, going up toward the mountain, and then peaking out with a defense tower. There were 4 turrets of some kind, unidentifiable, scattered around the hallways. I shrugged, and with a quick burst of my jetpack I was on top of the defense tower.

Ahead of me I saw a few transport ships, and I hurtled forward. The first dropship was a cheap ♥♥♥♥, dropping off some kind of thuggish mercenaries, with no armor and weapons that were from what? The 20th century? Jesus. I unloaded a clip from my Enfield, all connecting to one of the engines, and it quickly got shot off, and started spinning out of control. I hurtled above where it once was, and saw the second dropship. This one was a Dummy one. Stronger, I can give you that. I grabbed one of my air grenades and threw it lightly, getting it perfectly lodged in-between one of the engines and the main bulk of it.

I saw the mountain coming up to meet me, and added some landing thrust to my jetpack, and landed safely before looking behind me. The dropships were spiraling out of control, both of them landing on 2 or 3 soldiers. A Dummy dreadnought was still active, and so was a few of the cheap soldiers, aiming their weapons at me. I quickly lifted my Enfield up, and send a few shots toward them, connecting with satisfying cries of pain and an ark of blood. The Dummy dreadnought turned around, and started firing all wild at me. My Enfield was shot out of my hands, and I cursed as I applied some thrust and rocketed up into the sky.

I opened the pie menu built into my helmet HUD, and went to the buy menu. I scrolled quickly through everything, before I finally settled on a Unitec Barret sniper rifle. I ordered it and sent it to a spot right beside the defense tower, and looked back at the attacking soldiers. A few rounds hit the dirt beside me, and I threw an air grenade to keep them busy before jet-packing toward the area where I would receive my new weapon.

The weapon quickly came down to the ground, and I grabbed it and spun around, targeting the Dummy dreadnought. I shot at its gun, and the round ripped through it, destroying its AI and killing it. I smiled before I felt a round rip past my ear, from behind. Oh no... I whipped around, and saw around 4 Coalition soldiers, armed to the teeth, shooting at me. "Oh crap..."

A Coalition soldier with an Uber rifle shot a round at me, and it connected on the ground right beside me, sending me flying away, missing both my legs and bleeding. I grabbed my advanced medikit, and was about to use it when it got shot out of my hands. Damn...

"C-central Hub, c-can you call f-for reinforce... ments?" I spluttered, shrapnel causing internal bleeding.
"Your vital signs are fading, soldier, we are sending an advanced medi-unit immediately."

"Better hurry..." I muttered as my vision faded to black.

Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:48 pm

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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Hmm. Might as well.


There was no way for x5987 to know that he was about to be destroyed ruthlessly.

Obviously, scrolling through the viewpoints of the various guards in the outposts of the base, where from three sides land happily aided the Dummies in constructing a most secure production facility, there wasn't much to look at. But unfortunately, today, there was. A lot.

x5987 did not realize that 3 of his guards- One on the roof of the first underground shaft, the Dreadnought at the entrance, and the sniper right above it- had been totally defunctionalized until he realized in shock that those three were suddenly missing from the list of available units to command.

He had no way of knowing that barely three days ago the Coalition had landed a contruction team that produced a bunker for a single commander. A single, single, commander to take on an entire base. It did not look like much from behind the dull concrete facade, but the commander was cautious; from the safety of his still-hidden bunker, he had ordered a Heavy with one of the Coaltion's signature weapons- The heavy sniper rifle.


Rossler Meredith smiled- At least, he mentally did, and physically slightly shifted the facemask of his clone- as the guard right above the main entrance disappeared, blasted back from the sheer power of the kinetic slug provided by the weapon he held.

No, not that he held it; rather, his clone held, as it cautiously went inside the main entrance. He was currently a brain. In a glass capsule. It was durable; 500 years of technology had produced fiberglass capable of rivaling armor for hardness. Unfortunately, it was still brittle, like all glass. So, the clone looked around...

And was confronted by yet another shaft.

Rossler had not chosen to go down the first one- The one guarded by a Dummy on the roof- because he had no idea if he had been detected or not. However, after tearing its head off its spine, he'd swiped its Grenade Launcher for luck. In front of him, a shaft extending further down- Further in front, a block of concrete followed by a very tall metal barrier.

Rossler was efficient and experienced- He knew that more than likely there was something over there, knowing the Dummies. Dummies were durable, and they had the advantage of the fact they were supported by certain things known as Dreadnaughts.

Thankfully, their armor was rather loosely held together, if durable, so it had taken just one shot of the sniper rifle the clone now cradled to tear it apart. Another was needed to destroy the actual unit- The crawler- But it hadn't seen him, being buried in the destroyed chunks of the Dreadnaught's body.

He had two shots out of three in the round. He could reload later.

For now...

He took the stolen grenade launcher and took careful aim- And fired over the barrier.


x5987 was busily trying to find a spare unit to go the entrance when Dreadnaught number 9 suddenly received in its sound receptors the distinct pop of a grenade launcher, the Dummy kind.

It was then that reception was totally lost, but the last sound check had shown a rather large spike in sound- Akin to an explosion.

That did it- x5987 fired the alarm.


Rossler had been congratulating himself for killing the Dreadnaught after he peered over the barrier, when the shriek of an alarm suddenly tore through the air.

Damn, he cursed, and quickly fled backwards- Down the shaft.

Firing the clone's jetpack a few times...

He turned around, and realized that there was a Dummy making an identical motion. Without hesitation, he quickly turned off his jetpack, and fired another grenade into the alcove it was in. He dropped below the lip of the alcove, as the flaming smoke of an explosion blasted over the clone's head- Quickly, he fired up the jetpack again to cushion the fall onto another concrete floor. He looked up, and made another mental grin of satisfaction as the headless body of a dummy, with an arm and both legs missing, rolled out of the alcove. He stepped aside as it dropped onto the floor next to him with a hard thunk; no need to accidentally snap the clone's neck from a falling body. He was too far in to stop...

He realized that there was another passage right above him, and quickly jetpacked up to the ledge and peeked over- And dropped back down in panic, because there had been the familiar orange face of a Dummy peeking through a metal opening in another alcove, dead ahead.

Praying it hadn't noticed him, he jetpacked up again, noting the fuel that was a third spent.

The face had disappeared. Rossler was unnerved by this, and after crawling up quickly grabbed his heavy sniper rifle, aiming carefully at the opening...


The face had disappeared because the non-controller Dummy AI had chosen to duck backwards to avoid being hit when it first registered the appearance of a living being. Being it with what, it didn't matter; however, x5987 was instantly alerted, and quickly switched to direct control mode over unit number 95 to survey the area...

x5987 found himself looking at the underground chamber right above his deeper underground chamber- The alcove for a sniper (Installed as a precaution just like the alcove of this particular controlled unit), right in front of this particular unit was blackened.

Why in the world-?

Before x5987 could further observe his surroundings, the kinetic sensors registered a snapping of the spine of unit 95- Before x5987 was restored into general control mode.

x5987 was now furious, and proceeded to take control of the final surviving unit in the room- Dreadnaught #4- And start randomly firing through the room.


Huh, that's all I feel like writing now.

Anybody who doesn't know the mission I'm describing needs to be kicked. Hard.

Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:56 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Dummy Assault?

Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:42 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
No, its First Signs. :wink:

Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:56 pm

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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
You are exempt :grin:

Jomn however, deserves a... Moving on!


A Dreadnaught was the only possible thing firing this wildly- Perhaps a Nailer Cannon could be the culprit, but the issue was the same. He was pinned, but at least the Dreadnaught had no visual reading from behind the multiple crates he was hiding behind.

Rossler took his grenade launcher out, and fired another round.

Another explosion- But the firing continued.

Rossler cursed, and peered over from the side... Aha. The orange top of a Dreadnaught was visible behind a set of concrete steps- The machine gun was busy spraying the other side of the room, judging from the ping of bullets to his right.

He forced the clone back behind the crate, aware that the crate had a limited lifespan. The bullets sprayed over the crate lengthwise, and back, but didn't succeed in tearing through.


The line of fire was at the other side of the room when the bullets stopped- All Dreadnaughts were forced to reload at some point.

Quickly, Rossler rolled out from behind the crate and made a low sprint the base of the concrete steps, hidden from the view of the Dreadnaught.

He smiled- Again- before he turned the clone around, raised the grenade launcher, and fired a round over the rise of concrete steps.

Another explosion- Followed by several thunks on the ground, signature of pieces of a Dreadnaught's armor.


x5987 was screaming in fury at the destruction of Dreadnaught # 4's top armor, but calmed himself down. At least the machine gun was still intact...

Slowly, x5987 commanded the Dreadnaught to crawl over the concrete steps...


Rossler was congratulating himself when he heard the clack of a Dreadnaught crawling over concrete steps.

A second later, the realization hit him- He must have only blown off the top layers.

Alright then- Time for some risky combat. He swapped his reloaded grenade launcher for the heavy sniper rifle- And just in time, for he saw a Dreadnaught leg emerge from above-

Rossler snapped off a shot perfectly- It both tore of the leg, and proceeded to flip the Dreadnaught back.

One round left in the clip. Rossler hustled up the steps, to find the Dreadnaught... Or rather the crawler... trying to get up.

Another repeat of what had happened outside the base has he pressed the barrel to the crawler and pulled the trigger.


x5987 was now suitably enraged- Enraged enough to call the order that was never supposed to be called.

"Get the assemblers working on a Behemoth!"

Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:54 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
I was being sarcastic. :roll: Anyways, keep it up.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:16 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Jomn wrote:
I was being sarcastic. :roll: Anyways, keep it up.

It was pretty obvious.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:58 am
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Zoroaster wrote:
Jomn however, deserves a... Moving on!
Apparantly, the guy thought otherwise.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:03 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Now I wanna right a story based off of CC..

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:14 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Jomn wrote:
Zoroaster wrote:
Jomn however, deserves a... Moving on!
Apparantly, the guy thought otherwise.

I don't think so.

Gah, don't you see it? He clearly saw that you were being sarcastic.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:14 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
I hear a loud explosion.
"We're going down! Everyone prepare for crash!"
There's a giant rush of people over me, and they crush my pistol. At least I still have my SMG and bazooka.
I quickly rush to a safety seat and immediately pull it down, and just right on time, too. The whole dropship rumbles violently, and blood is flew everywhere in the cabin. Once it stops, I get out of my seat and look around. Seems like me and me men are the only ones alive. Even General Wataski is dead. We open the hatch and this giant ♥♥♥♥ monster of hell comes in and almost kills one of my men. It had claws and a tail and ran on two feet...
Not the point.
I rush over to the man and get a medkit. I heal him up as much as I can, and sit him back in his seat. You know what I think?

No. Way. In. HELL. Are we going to survive.

We check for any weapons that might've been secure in the crash. There's a auto shotgun, a homing rocket launcher, and this bomb that is the size of my friggin head. I tell my comrades to stay in the dropship until I scream. They listen to orders. I walk out of the dropship. Wanna know what I see?
A rocket train crash, 2 other dropships that are crashed and probably what is a nuke. Wanna know what else I see?
I investigate and then this giant swarm of the thing that attacked my men came out and I start shooting like hell. Once they're dead, I investigate and find...
A bee launcher!
Just what I need in this situation. Thank god that was there. I order my men to come out, they come out and look around.
"We're not going to survive this, are we?"
"Probably not. But don't give up hope."

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:25 pm
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We walked for days and days, trying to fight the things off, but there were so many! Eventually they found a base that was abandoned. They set up camp there.
"At least this offers alot of protection. It's made of pure steel, and on the inside, made of concrete and has some beds."
They slept for the night, and then they heard shooting sounds.
"Other survivors! let's get them in! Quick!"
They rushed out and saw 5 people, with hundreds of them swarming at them. They rushed out and started shooting like hell. They had to retreat to the bunker and have someone on guard duty.
"It sure is good to find some other people", said one of the survivors.
"I'm Phero. These are my men. We crash landed and we were the only ones left."
"We crash landed too."
"Excuse me, but what are your names?"
"I'm Xolotess. Leader of this group."
"I'm Phint. Co-leader."
"I'm Sam."
"I'm Zarok."
"And i'm Rakon."
"Nice to meet you. I should start scouting around in a while."
Two hours later
"Its all clear, sir!"
Phero walked out to investigate. After walking for a few miles, the planet started to look more and more like it was made of technology... Phero kept walking, and then he saw this thing with blades for hands. It walked calmly and slowly. It came up to him and got into a fencing position.
"Who are you, and why have you come to our planet?"
"We crash landed here, we don't mean to invade your pl-"
"DON'T LIE TO ME!!! Tell me the truth or I will kill you in the wrath of Yarto!"
"Ratok! What are you doing out here?"
A figure that looked just like the other figure came out of the metal.
"This invader is lieing. He says they crashed. But how could that happen?"
"Oh no, the Quork..."
There was a silence for a few seconds.
"Come, come. We can offer you protection."
Phero was escorted to this giant kingdom of technology. The king seemed to be this floating shaman.
"Who is this... Mortal?"
"I am Phero."
There was a silence.
"Phero? You can't POSSIBLY be THE Phero..."
"Try me."
The king sent forth 2 giant ships.
"Destroy these two ships with a single tool, and I will believe you."
Phero thought hard. He thought harder. And even harder. Eventually, he picked u pa rock, threw it at one of them, and they both exploded in midair.
There was another silence.
"Do you have any... comrades?"
"Yes, we're about 5 earth miles to the northwest."
"Lead us there and we will offer you protection in our city."
Phero was followed by about 30 of the citizens. When they arrived, Phero walked into the bunker. Wanna know what I saw?
Dead bodies. Everywhere. The Quork bodies, his comrades bodies, even the civilians bodies.
"What in the..."
"Something wrong?"
One of the citizens came in to see, and he whispered under his breath...
"Oh no."
EDIT: Oops, double post.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:46 pm

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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Jomn wrote:
Zoroaster wrote:
Jomn however, deserves a... Moving on!
Apparantly, the guy thought otherwise.

I didn't actually finish the thought, did I? :D

Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:42 pm
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Post Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
Eh, I'll bite.

This is the Zombie Cave mission from the Campaign. Figure out the rest yourself :wink:

"There's been some signs of disturbance, so we want you to check it out" the Co pilot of the DEC Dropship says as I disembark with my gear. "Try not to get yourself killed, we'll be here to pick you up once you're done.

"Great" i mutter behind my MK2 Powered armor

"Remember, you're all that HQ is springing for, so don't get yourself killed" he says as he hands me a canister of irradiated material "Dispose of that, and you'll get a bonus" he says, giving me the usual DEC Sales Pitch.

I Hop off the cargo ship with my jetpack blaring, and check my gear.

A DarKlone EMCannon, my standard gun, a compact Cryogun from Darkstorm, a large bulky Stormshield. and a strange tube like object with DStech written on it, and a trigger, with a note attached from one of the factories of them I helped. They must have snuck it into my gear.

I sling it onto my back next to the shield and trek up the hill into the large cave structure that the disturbance was coming from, and see a gruesome sight. horrid half-made clones are stumbling about inside , and a large cache of explosives is nearby, and they are arming themselves!

"So this is what that disturbance was..." I say as I unsling my EMcannon and let it rip up the cave. The salvo obliterated all the zombies, but more were coming from obscene generators. I pull out my cryogun and freeze up the entrance, stalling for time as I think what to do. It is then that I remember the tube. I pull it out with my shield and thumb the switch. A lance of energy springs out from it, penetrating the CryoGun's shield and hitting a semi-clone with a bomb. Upon further inspection, the weapon is labeled "Experimental DSWMXX Lance. 2000 OZ Standard price"

They really went all out in thanking me! I pick it up and begin drilling through the CryoGun shield again, shredding zombie after zombie with the Lance. After a few bopmb detonations, my armor is a bit scratched, but it's just superficial

The bomb dispenser must have been destroyed, as now they simply tottle towards me unarmed. I use the lance to kill the few remaining ones, and pull out my Cryogun. A zombie from further in the cave leaps out a me and throws the bomb, but I flare my jetpack and push it away with the CryoGun.

As I reenter the cave, more zombies from further in the cave arrive, and begin throwing their bombs at me, but they bounce off the cryogun's shield. As I pull out my EMcannon, I barely begin to use it before there is a loud crash and a sickly green fluid falls and drenches the cave floor. My EMcannon is wrenched from my hands, broken.

I angrily pull out the lance and charge into the cave and begin tearing up the zombies. I break through the remainder of my CryoGun's shield. I burst out of it into a connecting hallway, and more zombies are throwing bombs at me. I use the lance to detonate them mid air, but shrapnel still is bouncing off my armor. I jet up into the air to avoid a bomb, and see ANOTHER dispenser and generator. Great.

I jet up into the hallway and use my lance to dismember a few zombies, before flying back up to the mouth of the cave to finish off the few remaining ones. I Disable the dispenser, and in a shower of green glass and foul liquid, break the final generator. Landing, I walk over to the source of all this-A rotating computer chip. Grabbing it, I rush outside and call for my Dropship. Coalition troopers are waiting for me, and they open fire.

I jet over the the crater that the ship is landing in, and boost up inside. the copilot grins at me as we lift off "So did you dispose of that waste?" Laughing, all I can do is nod as we enter the atmosphere.


Based on real CC gameplay-And no, I wasn't a space marine, I was using a Fallout powered armor using actor :grin:

EDIT:Spelling..Ugh, I think after that I'm a bit sick of that mission...*scurries off to do Dummy Assault* I don't think I'll FanFic THAT one though, since it's already been taken :wink:

Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:05 pm
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