Well, I loved inFAMOUS. Great game, it made me feel like I was not ALL-powerful, but I could kick some serious ass.
We saw that Cole now has ice powers eventually. Oh, he looks different and has a different voice actor, too...unfortunate, but I can deal with it. Then he has a melee weapon, too.
This game? Yeah, you start out as powerful as you were in the first game at the END. As the guy at the booth in E3 put it, "You start out as a super hero, and end up as a, uh, SUPER-super hero."
Kotaku had
an article on it that furthers that belief. Apparently, there are large-scale destructibles such as entire ♥♥♥♥ BUILDINGS. Yeah, and there are massive, non-scripted enemies just as maneuverable as you. This game is becoming what the first one SHOULD have been.