Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Roll To Dodge! BOSS 5: TWIGGY
So I lied before, rolling now.
CrazyMLC[2-1=1]: As you try to pull yourself up out of the hole, your arms give out as the last of your exhaustion from your brief fight with the sharks presents itself. You fall on your chest, halfway out, and slide down into the tunnel, scrabbling for a handhold, but finding none. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" The tunnel decides to slope rather quickly, instead of a gentler rise like you had hoped. You hit the corner of the tunnel at high speed, and as you tumble forwards head over heals, you hear dual cracks, and lose the sensation in your legs. "That's not a good sign...Ow..." Now in utter darkness, you try to rise to your feet, and quickly determine that your legs are broken. Primarily because you fall over uselessly. Abilities: - Pyro, Aero, Hydro, and GeoKinesis [###] - #-Point Star - Olympian Power - Metabolic Regeneration [#] - Photosynthesis [*] - Razor Leaves Inventory: - Nautical Shiv - Wiffles' Orb - DecaBow - DecaBow Quiver Injuries: - Attracting Sharks (Lasts 8 turns) - Right leg broken - Left leg fractured - Complete Darkness (-1 to rolls)
rjhw1 [2]: Taking a cue from your Rabbats, you leg it over to an overturned boulder large enough to hide you from Twiggy's view. You continue charging your sphere of sunlight, until the artificial sun overhead gives out. Now your orb of light in your hand can't charge any more, and is just giving off energy to light the area around you. Your Rabbats all flock around you, to stay near the light. Risking a look at Twiggy over the boulder, you find that you can't see anything past what light your ball is giving off. Then, a round green orb appears, floating about 20 feet above the ground. Then, five more, in quick succession, casting a dim glow around them. Twiggy just opened its eyes. It sees the light from your ball, and lets loose an earsplitting SCREE! To make matters worse, the light you have stored will only last 2 more turns, then it'll die out, leaving you unable to see. Abilities: - Greater Zombie Control [##] - Dark Matter Synthesis [**] - Zombification (Increased speed and strength) - Dragon Pulse Style - Surging Dragon Pulse - Twisting Dragon Tornado Kick - Solarkinesis [##] (Using as light source, will only last 2 more turns.) Inventory: - Wimpy Facial Hair - Spas 12 (7 shots left) - 24 12 Gauge Shells - Loaded AS50 (13 Extra Rounds) - Scythe (Death Render) - Rabbat Swarm (45 Rabbats) - Zombie Shark Controller
Tomaster [5]: A flash of divine inspiration hits, and you see a blueprint in your mind! You quickly get to work, your hands a blur, with wires, pistons, and gears being placed and attached with a staccato rhythm. In no more than a minute, your device starts taking the shape of an arm, but you keep working. Your eyes dart over the creation, checking every screw and joint, fingers securing wires and pulling metal plates to test their strength. Five minutes pass, and you finally finish, falling back onto the sand, tired but satisfied with your work. A pair of metal forearms lie before you, gleaming in the sunlight. You get back up, and pick the arms up, fitting your arms into them like gauntlets. They fit as if tailor made, and feel as though they aren't even there; When you flex your fingers, they flex with them seamlessly. Turning to the side, you punch the air and can literally feel the vacuum created by the force of your punch. Now grinning happily, you raise both hands, clasp them together, and smash them into the sand below you. Predictably, the sand explodes out from below you as if a bomb went off. What you didn't predict was the stone below the sand being fractured from the blow. The bedrock cracks, then crumbles, broken chunks falling down into a vast cavern about 12 feet below the surface of the bedrock. Inventory: - 66 Syringes, filled with random drugs - Force Amplifiers (+1 to any rolls involving strength) Abilities: - Wing (+1 to dodge if flying) - Summon Shade [##] - Invisibility - Super Strength [#] (+1 to any rolls involving strength)
Foa [1]: You teleprot down to Frank, and then the light disappears. Now with the only light coming from Frank, you call out to him, but your call is drowned out by a thundering crash. Looking up, the ceiling collapses in an area 8 feet across, directly above you, followed by a gleeful Tomaster. A shaft of sunlight shoots down and illuminates the area directly around you, but some strange property of the stone absorbs the light, and only the area the light shines on is lit, leaving the rest of the cavern dark. Inventory: - HIGH-SPEED HANDCANNON - DM Legs (Cheetah, VERY Broken) - Fedora of the Gods Abilities: - Ranged Teleprotation
JJA79 [6]: You wake up, and see Shadow. "PERISH!!!" With a roar, you activate your Gyrokinesis without any regard to yourself or Shadow. It thankfully misses Shadow, but you and the fakes take a withering blast of gravity to the face. SS is slammed into the ground, and struggles to push himself up on his hands. It only works because SS is able to rely on his skeleton to support his now crushing weight. Your shadow is less lucky. SJJ refuses to leave the wall, until finally his legs emit a ripping sound and he screams like a banshee as his knees give out, and most of him is slammed onto the ground. His legs are bleeding a black mist that disperses soon after touching the ground. You also feel the stupidity of your recklessness, and let yourself crumble to the ground, rather than lose your legs or something, but not fast enough to prevent damage. The extreme gravity has ripped several tendons in your wrists and various leg joints. You can't walk and your left hand is entirely unusable. You hand still move your right hand, but it hurts to do so. Quickly, the burst of gravity fades, and everyone is back to their normal gravity. "Heh...How'd ya like...that?" Abilities: - Life Energy Stealing [*] - Always Thinking [-#] - Gyrokinesis (Gravity Control) [###] - Ergokinesis (Energy Control)[##] - Bird Communication [*] Injuries: - Torn leg tendons (Can't walk) - Torn left Wrist tendons (Can't use left hand) - Strained Right wrist tendons (-1 to using right hand)
ShadoWKilleR255 [6]: In your heavily damaged state, your mind tries to fix yourself as best it can. Sadly, it doesn't know much about anatomy. Utilizing your M/E control, a thin layer of skin and muscle is formed over the wound, protecting it from exterior damage and bleeding out, but it doesn't fix the damage that's already been done. Having done what it can, your body struggles you back to consciousness.
Abilities: - Precision Mass/Energy Control [###] - Telekinesis [###] - Nanotube Skeleton Inventory: - 5 Small Energy Orbs - Archipelago Map Injuries: - Disabled Limbic System (Disabled emotions, behavior, LT memory, and sense of smell; two slots opened) - Chest Blown Open (Wound sealed, not fixed)
Frederic [5]Waiting till Blue gets distracted by the ground exploding, Frederic stealths himself and sneaks away. Somehow, Blue doesn't notice him, or maybe she just stopped caring. Either way, Frederic makes it over to the hole MLC took down, and jumps in, sliding down into the cave below. With a couple of flips, Frederic lands hard on the cave floor, making a small shockwave as he does.
Energy Level: 99%
Shadow Shadow [4]: "Je...Jesus..." SS struggles back to his feet, his entire body sore and battered. He limps over to Real Shadow to ensure his death, only to find his chest knitting itself back closed and Shadow still very much alive!
Shadow JJ [4]: Immediately before SJJ tries to double the gravity around the Real JJ to mess with him, JJ screams something unintelligible, and everything gets very heavy, very fast. SJJ feels a crushing weight on him, pulling him down into the ground. He tries to resist, but loses his concentration when he feels something in his already damaged knee snap. Then, the pain. At this point, SJJ loses consciousness.
Injuries: - Missing everything below the knees.
Game Event: The centipede, thoroughly spooked by the arrival of more creatures, charges over the tunnel floor towards the light. Frank barely manages to jump to the side and avoid Twiggy as he demolishes the rock Frank was hiding behind and tunnels down into the earth.