Re: Modern Warfare 2 [WIP-Early Version]
Sorry to take so long to reply, overnight replies
im really happy with all of the feedback.
i guess ill address some of the things people are saying
ok matty, unitec is a mod i have never played i hope the creator will forgive us for any similarities
Point.blank:Pistols reload stupidly fast in MW2,
ive currently aimed for something like that, i will make it more realistic.
Bulletspeed is something i only have a small problem with, but in favour of balancing against vanilla this change a little
Shotguns are the biggest WIP (ignoring the knife) there are plans to reduce the range (something like the blunderbuss)
That idea about picking it up again is awesome will have a go at that.
alphagamer: this is the alpha.
and like Psyk323 said the texture change was more of an excuse to fit LAMs which i think are awesome.
Potatamoto:i was planning to create some missions, but that will be a long way down the line (still early days), first we would need modules and props, Psyk323 does all the spriting thats alot of work and im not sure if he will want to.
The Knifeim currently using cavecrickets code to change fire modes, and when i got it implamented it began to show up 4 times in the menu, ive not spent much time looking for the reason, if anyone would be so good to enlighten me that would be great.
Melee weapons in general are not something ive worked with before, since theres been no complaints about the primary fire mode i guess that is fine.
the throwing of the knife though is definitely not something finished, originally they were AEmitters which gib into short range shrapnell when they hit something,
(they used to get stuck in the ground and begin to act as mines, cool but unintended)
damage is currently caused by weight, albeit alot of it. they are currently AEmitters, but setting whole thing as a grenade type weapon might be interesting to play about with so once again once my exams have finished i will begin to work on that.
sorry for the long sprawling post, but ive missed alot.
and to mention it again, work on this mod will continue once mine and cavecrickets exams are over.