I just read through this whole thread and had a jolly good time of watching Kelas getting his/her ever-so carefully constructed argument turned into a juggling act by the moderators.
Kelas, I'm real happy for you, and imma let you finish your rant once you get off your ban, but this is one of the best moderation teams of all time on DRL,
Your complaints are nonsensical at best and utterly moronic at worst. In case you haven't noticed, there are maybe two people, including you, that are actively opposing the current moderation team and the way they handle things. You know what I thought when you started saying there are people who complain in private, too scared to make public statements? I started thinking you were
♥♥♥♥ insane. Have you made imaginary friends to help you rebel against the mod board, or are you just schizophrenic? Either way, you need some major therapy coupled with anti-psychosis medication immediately, and you should also probably stay away from conspiracy theorist groups for a while.
Skiv wrote:
freedom of speech
First off, going under the logic that you have the same rights on a private board as you do in America, your rights end where mine begin. My right to not be called a cockmonster without warrant trumps your right to call me a cockmonster without warrant. And if you find that debatable, remember that you have no basic rights on the internet, especially not on sites controlled by other people.
A round of applause to the lovely DRL moderators *clapclapclap*
[User was warned for this post - There's no need to kick people when they're down - p3lb0x]