thank you vary much CrazyMLC I will give that a try right now.
***OK I tried it out. I tacked this onto a dummy to test it, and nothing happened so I did some trouble shooting to see if its just an error on my end.
I made sure to tab correctly, checked my file path and made sure there were no missing end statements.
So I think the problem must be with trying to use the gold AI, I think dragonxp made a guy that explodes when you hit fire, maybe that would be a better trigger for vending my actor. (bombcrab or nuke one I don't remember)
Anyway thank you VARY much I will continue to work on this. -- Kaizen: Japanese for "improvement" or "change for the better"
if self.AIMode == Actor.AIMODE_GOLDDIG then
if self:GetController():IsState(Controller.RELEASE_PRIMARY) then
maybe its IsMouseControlled and something about left click hmmm?