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 Roll To Dodge - Blue 
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
And leave Foa too get zombified, keeping the migraine, unable to swim anywhere because of the migraine, and eventually die?

Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:48 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
Drag me along zomborg. :l


> Swim with a ♥♥♥♥ migraine instead of revitalizing my spirits so that I could use the new-found will to resist the pain. |

Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:34 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
Also, might I recommend getting cryokinesis.
And electrokinesis (Control electricity), and Hemokiniesis (control Blood)
If you want to have a kinesis, just check out that site. There are a lot of them, some useful, others, not so much

Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:25 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
I am interested in, pnuema- ( Pnuematics ) , typho- ( Smoke ) , umbra- ( Dark ) , and atmidokinesis ( Vapor, or what I want, Steam ) .

Hemo- ( Blood ) , Hyalo- ( Glass ) , Osteo- ( Bone ) , Tribo- ( Friction ) , and Papryokinesis ( Paper ) hold my interests.

Hmm, Pnuema-, and Typho- should be enough for jet propulsion...

Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:35 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
It l be easier to fix your legs on land, and i think we should stick with teh group. Ill make you new legs once were there. Promise.

Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:11 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
Okay, if I go under, or go too slow, you gunna have to run on water and tape me to your eyebrows.
Yeah, I'll be a visor!

Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:01 am

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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
if someone forgot i'm creating foa's legs instead of making myself a gun, cuz in the meantime all i have for offense is 5 weird energy balls >.> give me some credit and remember me

Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:24 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
HOw will you make them? I have the most riliable contruction power, I think you should leave it to me.

Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:12 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
He'l make them out of seaweed, and water.

Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:35 pm

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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
>>enhance my energy-control powers so that i could create highly intricate items (weapons, boats *wink wink* and the such) hyper use this rather than my previous one

Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:45 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
I'd rather have Rj make my legs.
I remember the last ones... so great. :)

Oh, and I'll just stay in his Z Control Field in the mean time.

Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:28 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
Hey, if anyone is going to send me a PM about Roll to Dodge, put RTD at the beginning of the subject so it gets sorted into the right folder, kay?
Also, Rolling.

CrazyMLC[3]: "Urgh... Okay, round 2."
Crazy floats back above the water, then collects small bullets of hardened air in his hands. After positioning the bullets in the air in front of him, he ignites them all simultaneously with a burst of flame. Crazy then looks past the bullets at Frederic, who has his bladearms ready to counter a traditional attack. Lucky for Crazy, this is far from traditional.
Crazy shoots the flaming bullets forward in rapid succession, flying darts of orange-blue flame, all headed straight for Frederic.
- Pyro, Aero, Hydro, and GeoKinesis
- Olympian Power
- Metabolic Regeneration
- Photosynthesis
- Razor Leaves
- Nautical Shiv
- Wiffles' Orb
- DecaBow
- DecaBow Quiver

rjhw1 [-]: You want to start swimming to the hut island, but with the distances involved, it would take hours if not days to reach it by swimming. You instead swim over to Foa to help alleviate his Zombification.
- Greater Zombie Control
- Dark Matter Synthesis
- Zombification (Increased speed and strength)
- Dragon Pulse Style
- Surging Dragon Pulse
- Twisting Dragon Tornado Kick
- Wimpy Facial Hair
- Spas 12 (7 shots left)
- 24 12 Gauge Shells
- Loaded AS50 (13 Extra Rounds)
- Scythe (Death Render)
- No Gravity

Tomaster [5]: The rythmic sensation of your wings flapping and you flying sends you into a sort of meditative state, and you enter your own mind.
A pretty decent mind, all in all. It's based on a military base, with versions of you running all over doing brain things. Some are doing training drills, those are probably your thought processes.
With a purpose, you head over to the armory. The door isn't locked, and you enter without trouble. Inside, there are a variety of weapons, most in good condition. In a corner though, you find a large black weapon case, locked with a small padlock. Taking one of the pistols, you shoot off the lock of the case and open it. Back in the real world, your left middle toe goes numb.
Inside the case is... a sword? A ceremonial officer's sword! You take the sword and draw it, and suddenly, you understand.
Your strength, your berserker strength was a sword, but its capabilities were blunted by the lack of control, as if the sheath was still on. But without the sheath, you have full control over your strength!
You return to your body, feeling reinvigorated. Every muscle feels like it's full of lightning, every nerve a taught steel wire! Even your wings are affected, and you are moving much faster because of it! In fact... The island is already in sight!
- M79 Grenade "Lawnchair" (No ammo) (Broken)
- TF2 Syringe Gun (66 syringes, filled with random drugs) (Broken)
- Pulpy (Large Flaming Mace)
- Wing (+1 to dodge if flying)
- Summon Shade
- Flickering Invisibility
- Super Strength

Foa [3-3=1]: Ohh god it hurts... so bad....
Wait... It's.. It's getting a bit better.. yes, it's not so bad anymore!

As Frank continues to close in on Foa, the virus is beaten back down into submission, and Foa reigns in control of his migraine.
"Ahhh... Much bet-
Brat! You shall suffer for your impudence!
- 3 Paperclips
- 5 chunks of metal
- Weakened Zombie Virus (Zombification in - turns)
- Legless
- No Gravity

JJA79 [1] Well, Tomaster called it.
JJ, not wanting to be left behind, tries to nullify gravity in an area around him, so he can fly to the Hut Island. Sadly, he still has little control over his powers, and he overshoots, nullifying gravity for everyone in the area. Suddenly, you, Foa, Frank, and Shadow are all floating in the air, slowly rotating because of a breeze.
The handy Gravity gods also inform you that you get 1 usage of this enormous power every 3 turns.
JJ: "Well. This is... Fun. Looks like we're stuck like this for an hour.
Foa: "Fan-f*cking-tastic."
Shadow: "Hey, look, that cloud looks like a duck! :D"
- Life Energy Stealing
- Always Thinking
- Gyrokinesis (3 turns till next usage)
- No Gravity
- Right Hand Burned (-2 to anything involving Right Hand)

ShadoWKilleR255 [1] You try to concentrate on enhancing your energy control powers, but you are interupted mid-concentration by a feeling of weightlessness. You open your eyes, and see that you are floating. Then you see a cloud that looks like a duck!

- Mass/Energy Control
- Telekinesis
- 5 Small Energy Orbs
- ME Gun Blueprint
- Archipelago Map
- Broken Right Leg
- No Gravity

Frederic [5] Seeing MLC rise out of the water, Frederic stops mid-flight, and positions his blade arms in a way as to counter MLC if he attacks. Unexpectedly, he makes small balls of flame shoot at you at high speed. Luckily, it's nothing Frederic can't handle. Redirecting his energy towards his arms, Frederic's arms flash like blue lightning as they deflect the unexpectedly hard balls of flame away from him.
"You'll have to try harder than that, I'm afraid."

Game Event:"Mm? Ah, it appears one of your friends has arrived as well."

The water underneath Foa begins to bubble, then glow a soft red, then heat. Foa realizes this in time, and using JJ as leverage, pushes himself out of the way just before a coloumn of boiling red water shoots upwards from the depths. JJ, because Foa grabbed him and essentially threw him backwards, drifts close to the fountain, but doesn't hit it. Mostly. JJ's hand does dip into the coloumn, and is instantly scalded, while the force puts JJ into a wild spin."OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! HELPHELPHELPHELPHEEEEELP!!"

Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:33 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
Oh nice the filled confections are trying to kill me now, yeah, totally fair, I am a crippled runt, how I am supposed to kill an uber teammate?

So yeah, time to play hot potato, and not get incinerated by the pie filling.

PS :: Don't let it come into contact with a spark, it is volatile.

Last edited by Foa on Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:20 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
If Frenchy wasn't at the bottom of the sea and probably smashed, he would count.

Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:21 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge!
Guys, I need Frenchie, I NEED FRENCHIE ♥♥♥♥♥es.
Either this or get incinerated.


Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:26 am
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