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Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:02 pm Posts: 10
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Build 23
"B20" is a mod, that is called: Build 20 Compilation Pack
Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:40 pm |
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 4074 Location: That quaint little British colony down south
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Post B20.rte/Index.ini.
Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:50 am |
Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:02 pm Posts: 10
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Here it is: Code: DataModule Author = The people who rightfully made these mods! ModuleName = Build 20 Compilation Pack IconFile = ContentFile Path = B20.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp
//Misc IncludeFile = B20.rte/Drillzone/Guns/Gibs/Gibs.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Drillzone/Scene/Scenery/Props.ini
//Craft IncludeFile = B20.rte/Acid Barrel/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Acid Barrel/Acid Barrel.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Explosive Barrel/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Explosive Barrel/Explosive Barrel.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/SHG/Effect.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/SHG/SHG Container.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Nuclear Missile/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Nuclear Missile/Rockets.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/CLBattlepod/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/CLBattlepod/CRawket.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/CrabCanister/Rockets.ini
//Actors IncludeFile = B20.rte/Drillzone/Critters/Wildlife.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/A-63/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/A-63/A-63.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DreadNought Cannon/Sprites/Gibstuff/Gibs.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DreadNought Cannon/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DreadNought Cannon/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DreadNought Cannon/DreadNoughtNstuff.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DreadNought Cannon/Scenes.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Maxi/Actors.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/MSMiner/Gibs.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/MSMiner/Attachables.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/MSMiner/Jetpack.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/MSMiner/Actors.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Diffweapons/Brains/Brains.ini
//Bombs IncludeFile = B20.rte/EWeapons/AMBomb/AMBomb.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Bombs/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Bombs/Devices.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/TNT/Index.ini
//WEPON // IncludeFile = B20.rte/Flechette/Flechettes.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Drillzone/Guns/Devices.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DOrangeBits/OWounds.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DMac/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DMac/DMac.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DRiotShield/DRiotShield.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/BT45 CP/gun.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/BT42 L-AR/gun.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Tempest/Tempest.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/EWeapons/LSMG/LSMG.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/EWeapons/HLS/HLS.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/EWeapons/PCannon/PCannon.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/EWeapons/Blaster/Blaster.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/DMinigunMk2/Mini.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Snapper/Snapper.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/RCP120/RCP120.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Uzi/Uzi.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/dubblegun/ammo.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/dubblegun/dubblegun.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Uber Cannon/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Uber Cannon/Devices.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/GML/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/GML/Missile.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/GML/Guided.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/GML/Launcher.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/GML/Thrown Missile.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/SixShooter/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/SixShooter/Devices.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/FlakGun/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/FlakGun/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/FlakGun/Devices.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/MSRifle/Rifle.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Periscope/Index.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Diffweapons/Grenades/Explosives.ini
//Scenes IncludeFile = B20.rte/Drillzone/Scene/DrillZone.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Desert/Materials.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Desert/Desert.ini
//Bunkers IncludeFile = B20.rte/CloneFarm/Bio Gun/Bio Gun.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/CloneFarm/Fresh Clone/FreshMeat.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/CloneFarm/CloneDispenser.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/CloneFarm/CloneFarm.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/CloneFarm/CloneFarmBrains.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/Grate/Bunkermodule.ini
//Sentry Guns IncludeFile = B20.rte/TF2 Sentry Guns/Data/INI's/Effects/Effects.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/TF2 Sentry Guns/Data/INI's/Lv1/Gibs.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/TF2 Sentry Guns/Data/INI's/Lv1/TurretLv1.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/TF2 Sentry Guns/Data/INI's/Lv2/Gibs.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/TF2 Sentry Guns/Data/INI's/Lv2/TurretLv2.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/TF2 Sentry Guns/Data/INI's/Lv3/Gibs.ini IncludeFile = B20.rte/TF2 Sentry Guns/Data/INI's/Lv3/TurretLv3.ini
But it comes always, if a delete or remove B20, it comes with the next mod! 
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:05 am |
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 4074 Location: That quaint little British colony down south
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Get rid of one layer of tabs in both Index.ini s
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:10 am |
Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:16 am Posts: 3032 Location: Somewhere in the universe
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Thats not the problem, Miles addressed the problem pretty well [in this thread:], if you try to load up an .rte you can, but at a cost, since there isn't a DataModule in the .rte anymore, cc will get an error telling you that it couldn't find the DataModule for the .rte folder. Because of all this, I should add another section to my tutorial.
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:16 am |
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 4074 Location: That quaint little British colony down south
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Wrong type =/= Could not find datamodule. Stop confusing him.
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:18 am |
Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:16 am Posts: 3032 Location: Somewhere in the universe
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
411570N3 wrote: Wrong type =/= Could not find datamodule. Stop confusing him. I was trying to explain it to him....
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:20 am |
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 4074 Location: That quaint little British colony down south
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Except you are categorically wrong. A lack of DataModule produces an entirely different error.
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:28 am |
Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:02 pm Posts: 10
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
he! i'm not kind of confused! i'm an advanced beginner in c++ and visual basic programming!!!!
it doesnt work-whatever i try, if i delete all data modules, if i delete all tabs, ....
Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:28 pm |
Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:02 pm Posts: 10
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
here is my original index.ini file: Code: DataModule ModuleName = Base Set IncludeFile = Base.rte/Materials.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Sounds.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Effects.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Devices.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Actors.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Activities.ini
maybe it helps someone to help me...
Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:31 pm |
Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:16 am Posts: 3032 Location: Somewhere in the universe
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
wipe off all the .rtes of the mods in your base.rte index folder.
Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:07 pm |
Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:31 am Posts: 2982 Location: Texas
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Don't use twice or you'll get an error.
Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:34 am |
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:20 pm Posts: 7
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
I have a different problem ... DataModule ModuleName = Base Set IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Index.ini IncludeFile = Coalition.rte/Index.ini IncludeFile = Dummy.rte/Index.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Materials.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Sounds.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Effects.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Ammo.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Devices.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Actors.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes.ini IncludeFile = Base.rte/Activities.ini
I already have put the // before the "DataModule" in each folder... But when i launch the game an error message appeared...:
Referring to an instance ('Military Stuff') to copy from that hasn't been defined! in Coalition.rte/Effects/Gibs/Gibs.ini at line 17!
I have the same problem with the Dummy and the Ronin but with other instance ... Can someone help me please ^^ ? What serves the line "copy of" by the way ?
Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:28 pm |
Joined: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:10 pm Posts: 1
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Would there be any way to make a .java/.bin/.exe file to do this automatically? You'd just have to select from a choice of mods in a compressible menu and it'd automatically do it? If there is, I'd really appreciate it and so would the other people who have no idea what the mods are talking about.
Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:23 pm |
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 4074 Location: That quaint little British colony down south
 Re: [FAQ] How to use Mods in Scene Editor.
Not really. There are name changes and content moves and/or removals that would require active decisions on the user's part. As for the current problem, change military stuff to another material. If I remember correctly, it should be metal or something.
Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:11 am |