Game HereAnyway, the name of the game is Tremulous. It's a FPS/RTS hybrid, similar to Natural Selection (I personally think it's more fun than NS). 100% free.
Anyone can be a builder (unlike the Commanders in NS, but is both a good thing and a bad thing if you get noobish players.) and you get credits/evo points to buy better weapons/evolutions. Humans have automated turrets, jetpacks, heavy armor, machine guns, chainguns, BFGs (of a sort), flamethrowers, etc. Aliens have acid volcanos, giant 6 legged spider badasses who will rip you apart and can take around 4 fully charged BFG shots to kill and 4 legged jumping things. You can build and rebuild your base almost anywhere (which leads to some interesting end game tactics, ie: building another base up in the vents of the space station as your main one is destroyed).
There aren't any resources to collect per say, but you have a set amount of building points at the beginning of the game which grow as you "level up" (attain a certain amount of kills per team).
Put this all together and you have a fast paced, not too complex action game where almost anything can happen. As long as you still have a builder alive, your team can potentially make a full recovery.
As one would imagine, this game is only enjoyable with a large group of players. If you're interested, post here. If anything, the pubs will have lots of players, but a DRL server with Ventrilo would be ungodly amounts of fun.