-What is this?
A thread where mods in
Mod Releases and scenes in
Scene Releases are rated/reviewed.
So any new people will know what "good" mods/scenes to download and not make new threads about it, and someone could get the quick scoop on a mod/scene.
A mod/scene that is reviewed should be in the following format and either PM'ed to me or posted in this topic, it doesn't matter. Once a review has been made, it will be added to this post and grouped with mods of similar sizes. If it is a scene, it will be grouped according to it's type. If multiple reviews are submitted for the same mod, a review with the average scores and all the comments will be posted.
NOTE: Please try not to review your own mods.
NOTE2: If you reviewed a mod and it was updated, feel free to re-submit your review, which will over-ride your old one.
Mod/Scene Name
Mod Author
Mod size - For Mods: small (one or two items), medium (small pack), large (multiple items, large mod packs, factions).
Scene type - For Scenes: mission, normal scene.
URL link
Reviewer's Comment - (optional) a comment from the reviewer about the mod.
Originality/Creativeness = 10/10 - originality/creativeness rated on a scale of 0 to 10.
Aesthetics = 10/10 - visual and sound effects rated on a scale of 0 to 10.
Effectiveness = 10/10 - how well the mod/scene does what it's intended to do on a scale of 0 to 10.
Fun Factor = 10/10 - how fun the mod is rated on a scale of 0 to 10.
Overall Rating = 10/10 - the sum of all four of the scores above divided by 4.
---Mod Reviews---________________________________________
Large Mods
--DarkStorm Military Technologies--
Mod Author = Darlos9D
Mod Size = Large
viewtopic.php?f=61&t=17247Reviewer's Comment = Balanced, fun, and some unique actors and equipment. Spriting is well done, but not perfect. Lua could use a few tweaks here and there, but overall very good mod.
-Originality/Creativeness = 8
-Aesthetics = 9.5
-Effectiveness = 9
-Fun Factor = 7
-Overall Rating = 8.375
Mod Author = DSMK2
Mod size = Large/Huge
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=10231Reviewer's Comment = This huge colection of super-powerful robots and insane weaponry has always been in my mod folder and seems to have something for every occasion; Wheather blowing up bases or mowing down coalitions. However, the mod tends to clutter the Skirmish build screen, this can still be fixed manualy if you have the time.
-Originality/Creativeness = 7/10 - (Several guns are new and the bunker modules are creative)
-Aesthetics = 8/10 - (Sprites colour scheme works well for their back story but some sprites are not yet updated to the same style as others)
-Effectiveness = 10/10 - (Based on the ability to reduce anything into a fleshy pulp this has to win)
-Fun Factor = 8/10 - (The variety of weapons means you can keep amused trying to use different tactics for a while, though some seem slightly similar)
-Overall Rating = 8/10
Mod Arthour = Gotcha!
Mod Size = Large
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=11062&Reviewer's Comment = Plenty of variety with good sounds, sprites, and weapons make it very fun to play around with.
-Originality/Creativeness = 7 (Lots of the stuff in it has been done before, but alot hasn't)
-Aesthetics = 9
-Effectiveness = 8 (Depending on what you use)
-Fun Factor = 9
-Overall Rating = 8
--Whitty's Wonderful Mods--
Mod Author = whitty
Mod Size = large
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=14307Reviewer's Comment = A collection of wonky devices and cool actors. Some stuff are a bit laggy, though.
-Originality/Creativeness = 9
-Aesthetics = 9
-Effectiveness = 8
-Fun Factor = 9
-Overall Rating = 8.75
--Zeffram Manufacturing--
Mod Author = Blaze200038
Mod size = Large
URL link =
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=17429Reviewer's Comment = Could be better, more concepts please.
-Originality/Creativeness = 4/10 - Creds for back story, but guns are Unitec weapons.
-Aesthetics = 4/10 - "Borrowed" Sprites resprited.
-Effectiveness = 8/10 - It is Effective after all, kills well.
-Fun Factor = 9/10 - Ahh, i only like using your glowy things, everything else is "borrowed" inis.
-Overall Rating = 6.25/10 - [need s improving]
--Shamsy Electric Technologies--
Mod Author = carriontrooper
Mod size = Large
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=17066Reviewer's Comment = The larger mechanized units either had armor or walkpath issues.
-Originality/Creativeness = 7/10
-Aesthetics = 8.5/10
-Effectiveness = 7.5/10
-Fun Factor = 8/10
-Overall Rating = 7.75/10
Medium Mods
Mod Author = TheLastBanana
Mod Size = medium
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=15594Reviewer's Comment = A pack of various hoverboards. They are well sprited with good sounds and allow you to use weapons while on them. Getting on/off uses the Pie Menu, so you can't pick up/drop weapons near it.
-Originality/Creativeness = 10
-Aesthetics = 10
-Effectiveness = 9
-Fun Factor = 9
-Overall Rating = 9.5
--EDV [Experimental Dummy Vehicles]--
Mod Author = Abdul Alhazred
Mod Size - Medium
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=16545Reviewer's Comment - The best car available, rolls like no one thought it could.
-Originality/Creativeness = 7/10 - [Its creative, but tried a lot already.]
-Aesthetics = 8/10 - [Only the car has good sprites, the rest is stuck on]
-Effectiveness = 9/10 - [Can Roll over enemies, rolls well without terrain rape (like the Huvee)]
-Fun Factor = 9/10 - [Fun to rain death with laser & Grenades or to roll over enemies.]
-Overall Rating = 8.25/10 - [Good
Small Mods
--Electro Boomerang--
Mod Author = CaveCricket48
Mod Size = small
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=15906Reviewer's Comment - Its good at clearing out bunkers and Convert ops
-Originality/Creativeness = 10/10 - [no one made a boomerang, let alone an electro one]
-Aesthetics = 8/10 - [Looks good, great sounds]
-Effectiveness = 9/10 - [Aiming without the draw sometimes misses. You never miss a catch]
-Fun Factor = 9/10 - [fun to kill unsuspecting soldiers]
-Overall Rating = 9/10 - [just fun to use]
---Scene Reviews---________________________________________
Normal Scenes