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 District 9: Alien Armory 
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 District 9: Alien Armory
ImageDistrict 9: Alien ArmoryImage

In the last times of research the Midas golden lands, many eyes of the unknown space species have an interest to their hidden rich resources. And Poleepkwa were not excluding. They found new planet of golden lands as main source of the "Au" and other metals in the galaxy. And now they begin a war...

They was a poor in resources nation of the space wanderers. Their planet dieing in nuclear light of the binar star, and the poleepkwa seeking a new world in the deep space with a hight points of usable resources to build a new home. This race of insects commonly called prawns or hoppers as. They are omnivorous and can eat meat, metal, woods and waste garbage. For build their technologies prawns uses a many types of materials and surrounding debris.

But every one can see poleepkwa`s hight level of the technology. They use liquefied isotopes of the hight energy elements in the organic mix encapsulated at the compact metal canister to feed their machines, weapons, ships and other stuff like a common energy cell. You can see it in all polepkwa devices as a main part.

At first, weaponry of Poleepkwa:

Tesla-stream based weapon:
Image 1) Tesla assault Rifle - hight speed plasmoid launcher what used by prawns as main weapon in all times
Image 2) Tesla minigun - multicannon cluster plasm assault rifle for support units with hight speed and heavy damage.
Image 3) Arc gun - "one shot - one kill" weapon. They shot an arc of hight voltage to victim and... make it explode! Have a chanse of auto-aim, use it carefull.

Energy ray based weapon:
Image 1) Microwave emitter - Another deadly tool of prawn warriors. It make an ionised microwave ray to target and incinerates it, along with all the equipment. Just dust!
Image 2) Repulsor - Device for obstacles trespassing. Type of prawn humor - "How to overcome wall...". This energy weapon releases all fuel of one canister in one discharge of brutal plasm. Hot spheroid evaporates matter in swarm of sparks and cleans a way forward through any obstacles!

Gravity force based weapon:
Image 1) Wrap gun - Wrap a surrounding matter in one point and then releases it in a target vector. Experemental type of the weapon with a close range... or a garbage cleaner.
2) Tractor - one of the exosuit hand addon. Technical-oriented stuff what used by prawns as item drag/drop/thrower or enemy enflyer :smile:

Explosives and hight damage weapon:
Image 1) Throwing canister - 2 energy fuel canisters connected by detonator with collision activation. Good day to hard destruction.
Image 2) Canister launcher - throws forward a full-filled by unstabile fuel canister. Be carefull Mr. Death Thrower `cause fragments have a very long range and hight speed
Image 3) Gas thrower - poleepkwa flamer alternative. Causing damage to all targets at the forward by hot plasm cloud.
4) Heat-seek smart plasm missle - Exosuit stuff. Heavy missle launchers placed on mech shoulders. Launches a four missle with heat-seeking and self-accelerating systems.

Mech and craft:

1) Prawn Exosuit - Mechanoid exosuit for outer works.
Image Click to enlarge
Main parts:
1) Polymorphic arm. It consist a many parts for rapid morph in to device/weapon in real time. Known schemes is:
. 1.1) Arc-gun
. 1.2) Tesla rifle
. 1.3) Tractor
. 1.4) Canister thrower

2) Missle launcher - Heat-seek smart plasm missle launcher.
3) Flexible legs - Flexible-flexible legs forced by hydravlic motivators and special balanced sensors. Cool for dodging and jumping.

Prawn in exosuit kill the ppl:

Prawn testing his weapons on humans, brilliant!

Status: Release
Version: 007c
Sorry for bad image links ill wixit soon as posibl :(

Methelina: sprites, sound craft, story
Ivan21: omnihelp, coding
Sunrise: hi-level lua coding
CaveCricket48:Gravi-gun base script!
Whitty: thx for spark-effect base!
p3lb0x: thx for first wrapgun template Image
WeeGee Thx for porting mod to 27

[center]UPDATED to 27

[B27] District 9: Alien Armory
v: 007d

File comment: [B27] District 9: Alien Armory
v: 007d

D9_27a.rar [1.9 MiB]
Downloaded 10709 times



Patch readme: Just unRAR patch content in to the C.C. root folder with override acception.


------------------OLD VERSIONS-------------------

File comment: [B23] District 9: Alien Armory
v: 007c

D9_AA_v007c.rar [2.06 MiB]
Downloaded 14799 times
File comment: [B23] District 9: Alien Armory
Patch to v: 007d

D9_Patch_001.rar [6.46 KiB]
Downloaded 5826 times

Who wanna help me with correction of walk-path? PM me plz :P

Last edited by Methelina on Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:54 am, edited 19 times in total.

Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:54 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Pure awesomeness by my best student :)

Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:24 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Nyyaa-nyaa! Thx master :grin: :grin: :grin:
Looks like only u think so =)))

Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:39 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
:0 4/5 from me!
Good scripted weapons, i love the rocket launcher of the robot :D

Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:32 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
I approve. Good sprites, good feel to the weapons despite the sheer damage they deal, but hey, that's prawns for you. One thing I found was that the prawn has difficulty standing up, although he was shot through the knees at the time and the walkpaths for all actors aren't amazing yet so I'll let it slide.

Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:49 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
ivan21 wrote:
Pure awesomeness by my best student :)

Awesome mod, the only problem is that their legs give out every so often, and just sit there on their rears.

This just made some of my many days.

Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:00 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Needs more credits given. :(


Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:02 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Seraph wrote:
walkpaths for all actors aren't amazing yet

Maybe you make better ?

Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:33 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
p3lb0x wrote:
Needs more credits given. :(


Oops sorry... :)
But its only сontour, huh

Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:39 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory

This would be a contour. I appreciate credits being given though. My self imagined importance over sprites aside the mod is great!

Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:48 pm
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 Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Awesome sprites.
9/10 for me.
Keep up the good work!

Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:04 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
the homing arc gun beam and the smoke trails for the bullets blew my mind
although i have some constructive critisism to make
the mech is a tad small compared to the prawn (the human:prawn scaling is okay)
in the D9 movie, prawns could take ridiculous amounts of damage, i saw one get shot and simply shrug it off, whearas in this mod they are as weak as normal humans
same goes with the mech, bullets were pinging off it until someone clever enough managed to shoot its weak point with a .50 calibre sniper. In this mod, basic firearms will turn the mech into walking swiss cheese in a matter of seconds
don't get me wrong, there's nothing more satisfying than arc gunning a zombie, then arc gunning its head as it falls down
(i like the movie, so +1 anyway)

edit: also can we hope for an activities.ini in the future? pl0x? :D

Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:47 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Very impressive. The effects of the microwave gun is just amazing.

Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:55 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Any actors other the mechs coming soon?

Also, can you add jetpacks to the spawn dudes? It's a pretty cool actor, but i just like playing with jet packed actors.

Last edited by Marx047 on Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:07 pm
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Post Re: District 9: Alien Armory
Awesome mods... they are awesome. And this is an awesome one. Really nice work!

Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:15 pm
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