[WIP][LUA] Kulu - Rubbish-Rotten-Cyborg-Brains
File comment: v 0.3
Kulu.rte.rar [601.7 KiB]
Downloaded 171 times
Version 0.3 - 0.4 Coming Soon!
Hi Commander,
i post my topic here because i dont´t think my mod is good enough for Mod Releases at the moment.
To the Mod:
1. UnitsKomment: They are NOT the Standart Robots, the armor of them is made of some parts and the legs, the body and head from my
1.1 Cyborg KarkSuizide-Unit: Has a Bomb integrated in the Cyborg-Case which can be activated with Double-Down
1.2 Cyborg KorasOLD PIC!!!!!
Pheonix-Unit: Has a copy from itself in his Cyborg-Case integrated. Activate with Double-Down. If you not Activate it, the Copy die with the original. Copy has 75 % of the Original
1.3 Cyborg ThorusBombing-Unit: Unit can build from his Cyborg-Case long-range Grenades which can be throw by his hand-grenade-launcher on enemys. Press Double-Down for a Grenade and a Health-Damage of 3.
1.4 Cyborg ZardFlying Unit: Can Fly Now!!!!!
1.5 Cyborg KetoJump-Unit: Unit can charge his Jetpack. Press Douple down for loading the Charge. Every extra press charges the Jetpack (srry no charge-display yet)
Left or Richt cancel the chargeprogress
Gif have a mistake, srry
1.6 Cyborg LakitHealing-Unit: Unit can heal near Units up to 100 Health (Used only the Medic-Drone-Script yet
with some little changes )
Cyborg ZerkoAssault-Unit: Unit have big Shield at the back which protect for damage. Strong Battle-Unit
Cyborg KrakSuizid-Unit: Unit-Head containing high compressed acid an is very instable!!! Unit ist weaker than other Units.
2. Weapons
// there are at the moment only weapons with changed colours, shots and other magazine etc.
2.1 Kulu-Rifle
-Laser-SMG, ready to use
2.2 Kulu-Sniper
- At the moment only modyfied Coaliton-Sniper
2.3 Kulu-RPG
-RPG with speccial Rockets!!!! They emmit special sharp particles that suddenly fly up and down
New Stuff added soon, i only post it now because i wanted to know the community feedbeck so far
Data-For the Great Game
Alle the modder - For they good Mods they make
Use every Part of my Mod for your own Public or Private Mods
critic ist welcome
PS: srry for the bad englisch, i´m from germany
old versions:
File comment: v 0.2
Kulu.rte.rar [569.25 KiB]
Downloaded 151 times