Tomaster's Simple Scenes™ (Last updated June/07/2012)
THESE SHOULD WORK FOR V1.0Alright, welcome to Tomaster's Simple Scenes!™ Where you can get all your non-complex scene cravings fulfilled. I just make these in my spare time, feel free to suggest a scene you'd like made, and as always, any sort of criticism is welcome (To an extent). Now to the scenes. Download for all current maps is at the bottom.
Credit goes to:
Me - I made all the maps!
Roast Veg - He converted the entire map pack to be compatible with B26.
StratMini.bmp [ 9.39 KiB | Viewed 43871 times ]
My first map. It's nothing special, just some rolling hills and grass. It's more if you grow bored of grasslands, or just need another map.
DesolationMini.bmp [ 10.29 KiB | Viewed 43871 times ]
Another simplistic scene. This one is orientated towards underground bases, with plenty of space to expand and create elaborate bases. It's on a desert world, so it's got a layer of sand on the top.
UprisingMini.bmp [ 4.78 KiB | Viewed 43871 times ]
Hey look, another scene by me! This one is called Uprising, it's a King of the Hill style map, one player is one the top, other has to fight his way up. I guess it might work against AI as well, but I'd hafta figure out how to make landing zones for AI, which I have no clue how to do. So, here's the map.
CraeternMini.bmp [ 13.99 KiB | Viewed 43871 times ]
Yet another Simple Scene™ by Tomaster! I call this one Craetern, for no reason other than it's what was in my head at the moment. It's a large, smooth hilled map with a massive underground cavern with two tunnels leading into it. However, neither tunnel touches the surface, with one further away from the surface than the other. Perfect for all of your evil cave base needs. As always, criticism is welcome. And so, without further ado, the pics and the click.
SycopiaMini.bmp [ 10.38 KiB | Viewed 43871 times ]
That's right children, I'm pumping these maps out quicker than a Vietnamese ladylike! (Sorry to anyone who is of Vietnamese origin, I mean no offense to your ethnicity or culture) Anyway, It's somewhat based off of
the sketch in this thread. It's a map with a sinkholey sorta thing in it. It's good for just about any sorta game mode you can think of. Have fun with it, and as usual don't hesitate to tell me what you guys would have done better if you had the time or will!
EniosMini.bmp [ 10.95 KiB | Viewed 43669 times ]
Valley like map, with a pit of sand at the bottom. Non-looping, and the left side is considerably higher than the right side. Perfect for when you want a nice two player match.
HivemindMini.bmp [ 20.87 KiB | Viewed 43379 times ]
Made mainly because dragonxp asked for it, it's the remains of a massive
ant crab colony, previously inhabited by massive
ants crabs. Had I more skill, I would have included sprited
ant crab corpses, but alas, I'm not nearly that good. At any rate, have fun with it. The AIO file is updated with it. Obviously. (Ants have been replaced with crabs, not that it actually matters in the least)
SpecusMini.bmp [ 31.36 KiB | Viewed 39292 times ]
Oh hey, look at the cave map. (Please note, the main cave can be described as "♥♥♥♥ huge")
That was going to be my original pitch, but I decided to go with a fill-in-the-blanks backstory instead.
<pick the years> years ago, a great and powerful race of beings known as the
<pick the race name> created a large underground base for the purpose of
<pick a purpose>. Sadly, they were all killed by
<pick a cause of death> and the remains of their
<previously picked purpose> base fell into disrepair for
<pick another arbitrary amount of time>. However, now two warring factions have stumbled upon
<pick a planet name> and decided it was a strategic place because of the
<pick a valuable resource>. These two factions, known as the
<pick the first faction> and the
<pick a second faction>, have been fighting over the central base for some time now.
BarathrumMini.bmp [ 28.8 KiB | Viewed 39148 times ]
A larger and more awesome cliffside battle map. Plenty of room to expand downward. Meant to be played Player vs. Player, but I guess you can mess around all by your lonesome too. Non-wrapping, because obviously if it wrapped, it'd defeat the purpose. Have fun.
Here's the download!
File comment: Bam, B24 compatible.
SIHYLFP.rar [471.52 KiB]
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