Oh, that would be where I enter and post the Lua script then, well I did modify it to work on all troops, they are controlable but when they are left on AI they do nothing, not quite sure if this is what you want but it's good for comics.
Oh, and unitec has an activities file built-in for testing.
EDIT: The forum won't allow the .lua to be uploaded, I'll post as plain text for now.
function Update(self)
*for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
**if actor:GetController().InputMode ~= 1 then
**actor:GetController().InputMode = 3
Replace *'s with tabs
It's a shame there isn't a way of changing the team of an enemy with say a gun, then you could create enemys in-game
Oh and CrazyMLC, here's your original code-
function Update(self)
*for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
**if actor.Team ~= self.Team then
Same applies to the *s