Well, AEmitter emissions don't currently inherit the velocity of the emitter.
They also don't inherit the velocity that a particular point has on a rotating object due to inertia.
So putting a zero velocity emitter on the spikes of your spinning wheel of death just isn't gonna cut it.
You could slap an AEmitter in the middle, and give it a random direction and specific range. This would make a radial damaging effect that would hurt stuff that would touch the blades. I think this is what you're trying to do. But it's not a very accurate model of the blades' movement, and its power isn't dependent on the speed of your spinning blade. In gameplay effect, it would work moderately well, if your blade was always either spinning at a constant rate or still.
But I think I like my way better.It finds the velocity of a position on a rotating object.
With some faults acceptable to this application. This uses some trig functions with angles and crap I don't feel like explaining at midnight, and spawns a particle at that point and velocity. While imperfect, it's a much better representation of a circular saw than an outward radial effect.
I think this would fit perfectly well with your saw thingy, and I'll help you integrate it. But, on some other night, and earlier in it.
At only the cost of credit where it's due.