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 Why does this fail so hard? 
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Post Why does this fail so hard?
Hello all. This thread is titled so because I cannot debug a simple ini issue. It's actually a kind of request, but there will be more to come, I am sure.
On to explanation.
I've got this here testing mod see, and it's where I put concepts or random crap down. A dreadnought with a jetpack, an overpowered sniper, a super bunker bomb, etc. Pretty average edits of other people's code. Anyway.
I'm working on a proper humaniform actor, so far basically Sandra of the Ronin. it will serve as a base upon which I will use Lua for a project I don't feel like explaining here. No Lua has been used yet. If people are curious, I can explain it later, it's pretty vague.

Here's why you're even seeing this; the actor is broken, and I can't seem fix her.
I did almost no changes to the definition of the gibs and attachables, only consolidated and removed the other ronin's parts.
It's crashing when reading line 1 of the consolidated Effects.ini. However, if will also crash when you put it back in the same file.

""Could not match property in Testing.rte/Actors/TF Soldier/Effects.ini at line 1!""
That line is this: "AddEffect = MOSRotating." That ought (by my understanding) throw an error.

So far I have tried:
1) Putting it back where it was.
2) Checking my indents.
3) Changing it to "AddAmmo."

If anyone could lend a hand and tell me why it's all borked, I would appreciate it.
And, if you want, go ahead and see the other random junk in there.
(Disclaimer; The only sprites I personally made 100% of are the Gauss gun and Vacuum Bomb, the others may not even be edits)

File comment: Mod of random stuff, now broken. [5.02 MiB]
Downloaded 164 times
Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:54 am
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Wait, PresetName?
It's InstanceName not sure but it wasn't the reason.
I'm not sure, it always seems to be a problem with the first line of the defining bit. none of the mods I know start by defining a MOSRotating; only MOSParticles, any specific order? The same error in bodyparts.

Last edited by Samohan25 on Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:08 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Be quiet, PresetName is what you want to use.

@Phantom: Usually if a file fails on line 1 it's actually not that file that's the problem but the one before. I tried to debug you mod but for some reason I can't extract the zip, it has lots of extra files named the same as your folders and they prevent correct extraction.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:59 pm
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That can't be healthy. It looks like all the code is written on one line. >.>
I'm not sure about how it happened, but i'm pretty sure that it wasn't intentional. What program are you using for writing code?

Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:13 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
The wiki needs an update then, I moved both includefile links to the actors.ini file in Testing.rte\Actors and the error stopped but then it gave errors about the AddActor = AHuman, CopyOf = TF Soldier on the 12th line. Corupt file?

Not sure, I used notepad++ but that isn't good.

Why is there a __MACOSX folder?

Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:22 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Shook wrote:

Jeebus tap-dancing Christ, I use Notepad++ too and it doesn't do THAT! Wait, the normal Notepad had an annoying "feature" that removed the new lines, cramming everything into a single long one (word wrap, I believe). Maybe it somehow got activated?

Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:28 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Hang on, dosen't the PresetName need to be under 11 characters?
TF Soldier Misc Gib A
Try some abreviation? Not sure if it's anything to do with it.
Definatley irelevant, thanks for the corection Duh.

Last edited by Samohan25 on Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:59 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Metal Meltdown wrote:
Wait, the normal Notepad had an annoying "feature" that removed the new lines, cramming everything into a single long one (word wrap, I believe).

1. He's on a mac. They don't have notepad.
2. Wordwrap takes text that is all on one line, or just larger than the size of the window, and formats it onscreen such that it wraps around to the next line. It does not modify the original file.

EDIT: @Samohan: The game crashes on entry into a map if the PresetName of buyable items has more than 11 characters in continuous sequence, not separated by spaces.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:00 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Notepad is a very bad idea, I think. I recommend Komodo Edit, which is free and comes for PC and Mac.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:02 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
There's absolutely positively nothing wrong with Notepad, Jon. :)

Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:08 pm
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And Notepad++ is completely adequate. The reason why it parsed in the text editor is because clearly it was opened in Vista/W7. And I blame that.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:14 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
I can open inis made on Macs/Xp just fine with Vista.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:21 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Woah, so much activity, thanks guys.
I'm writing this on a mac, using TextWrangler, the best light editor I've touched. I've had people point out interoperability fails before, I'll look into it. It's probably using an encoding that Windows is not noticing.
However, you can toss out that file and it runs, so encoding is not the cause. I mean, I could just run Notepad.exe, but using WINE feels like overkill.

That's not the opening lines of my mod either, it defines the Dreadnought and the guns first.
If you want, I can compress it differently. You can ignore any file starting with a period or an underline, those are relics from UNIX, and just talk to osX.

The code it's failing on is letter for letter what the beginning of RoninActors.ini is for me. I too thought this meant the issue was in the preceding line, but there's no issue there, so far as I can tell.

Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:36 pm
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I believe Macs use [LF] to indicate a linefeed and notepad uses [CR&LF]. If CR is missing it doesn't think it's an actual linefeed.

(CR = carriage return, LF = linefeed)

Wordpad is smarter with it than notepad and should show it fine. Notepad++ of course is going to be the better choice. :)

Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:21 pm
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Post Re: Why does this fail so hard?
Curses, no luck and with classes now in session not really any time either.
My miracle actor is on hold until I have time to throw at it.
My plan was to use this to teach myself enough lua to replace an actor on the fly, and carry over inventory.
Was probably too hard anyway, but something that I am not aware of having been done yet to the extent I planned.

Thanks for the help though.

Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:35 am
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