Contrary wrote:
Or something like slow, homing, easily destroyed rocket chainsaws.
Well hey whaddayaknow I've got some of those handy right here. They have a craft you can order swarms in too. Oh, and they're manually controllable and have a launcher too, isn't that neat?
I intend to improve on these before actual release, mostly I want Lua based AI that flies straight until it finds something, and then it slowly rotates to its intended aim, and accounts for target lead and goes for decapitations rather than a plunge cut to the gut, and all that fancy stuff, but for now, default AI works with it, it's just not very pretty, having the thing floating downward, spinning, and inactive while it has no target. Also, during manual control, the camera is way too far into the direction of aim, and this is necessary for the vanilla AI to see much of anything.
Right now it's integrated into Shadow Echelon, so lemme repackage it into an external rte and change a couple things, and I'll upload it.
The screencap used an activity for them, so I'll probably throw that in there too. Maybe I'll add cluster spawns too, but chainsaw missile rainfall [rainsaw] is already pretty intense.