Re: Im new, how do i make it so guys start out with weapons?
Hmm, I think Gotcha! made a template for this. I'll go rifle through the UniTec folder.
EDIT: Yup.
Preset Template wrote:
AddActor = // Fill in the actor type: AHuman or ACrab. Keep in mind that it is pointless to add items to an ACrab. It can't use them.
CopyOf = // Use the name of an existing actor name here: Dummy, Dreadnaught etc.
PresetName = // Put your own unique name here, for example: Sniper Dummy, My Coalition Guy, Dreadnaught of Doom, whatever you like.
Description = // Shown next to the PresetName in the buylist. Tip: Type a description of the actor: AK-47 Coalition Soldier, My Rocketlauncher Dummy, Sniper Guy.
Buyable = 1 // Only needed if you're choosing an actor in-game that is otherwise non-buyable.
AddToGroup = // Groupname where your stuff is found under when in bunker making mode, for example: Pre-equipped Soldiers, My Squad.
AddInventory = // Use either 'HDFirearm', 'HeldDevice' or 'TDExplosive' here. All guns and diggers are HDFirearms. Shields are HeldDevices. Throwables are TDExplosives.
CopyOf = // Use the name of an existing HDFirearm, HeldDevice or TDExplosive here, like: AK-47, Frag Grenade, Riot Shield.
AddInventory = // Use a second or even 3rd or 4th AddInventory to add more items to your character...
CopyOf = // ...however, make sure your character won't be too heavy.
GoldValue = 0 // Add this if you don't want the gun to have a (hidden) cost.
That's how one would start out automatically with weapons.
>I wanna make a rocket launcher automatically show up on my soldiers back when he appears and he would b able to fire it like a gun.
Like Duh said, if you want him to hold other weapons while the rocket launcher is on his back, you need some advanced Lua coding.