Re: Have you changed the music in your Cortex Command files?
Duh102 wrote:
Everything has to go through Apple first for quality control.
Huh? No, you're thinking of the iPhone. OSX is pretty much open, though nothing like linux's creamy core. Valid mistake I suppose though, as the iPhone and related things are under an iron fist. We Mac users just tend to not use the crap that does exist.
My currently-playing music is "Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga (Chorus Grand Finale ver.)" ripped from a collab video from (can you guess?) Niconico Video. It in no way fits CC. At all. Honestly, it's painful.
Other than random stuff like that, it's 18 gigs of anime and video game themes, with sprinklings of assorted extras. I strongly avoid english lyrics, but really great songs are exceptions.
CC goes well with some of Halo 1's themes (as does life in general), and Guilty Gear's as well.