Re: Making a bunker bit, need help
ManSlaughter wrote:
the module shows up with orange background and wierd colored, then when i click to buy it the game crashes.
All bunker modules must be in pallet.
All images in a bunker module get there own pallet.
Background is a pallet
Foreground is a pallet
Material Layer is a pallet,
I'm pretty sure that forground/background have the same pallet, BUT I know that the material layer is wonky. Open materials.ini The exact RGB Value of a material, thats the exact RGB that you must use. open an existing mat layer module, re-size to 1x1 and paste yours in, it will re-size and pallet, save as your new module. make sure all the colors are correct. you can just use the fill tool if its wrong.
Second make sure that your layers are in the right part in your ini (if you had the layers in the wrong place, like Mat = BG, then it will go all wonkey)
if you are having problems with what does and doesn't show up, open these files.
It has pink for when there is no bunker piece there
and purple when there is bunker there, but its not solid IE Air.