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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
Actually, no magic can be achieved with Lua on MOPixels in terms of expanding. I could try making the particles have a random size, though.
I'd like to take a moment to say this just one little teeny time more:
There are placeholder sprites. They hold a place, hence their name. That place will be filled. I do not need to hear that it should be filled.
A map cull is one of the first things on my list. Culling weapons that are the same is too, but I need to divide which is Prom art and which isn't, as any of his stuff stays, as he has planned them meticulously as far as I can tell and they probably all have a purpose.
And please and thank you, feature suggestions DO NOT GO IN THIS TOPIC.
This is for content.
And once again, as much as I know you all have opinions, be as specific as possible. "Dummy stuff should shoot faster" is a fine opinion, but narrowing it down to a specific weapon is more likely to get something done.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:40 am
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
So - its more about ... like bugs in some way? Stuff that, in our eyes, doesnt work properly instead of stuff that "could do better" this or that way. Right?

Its hard to draw a line there...

Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:33 am
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
TheLastBanana wrote:
Actually, no magic can be achieved with Lua on MOPixels in terms of expanding. I could try making the particles have a random size, though.
afaik (and i just checked), the majority of the foam is MOSRs, which self.Scale edits work fine for. i wasnt talking about the MOPixel part of the foam.
sorry for ranting about placeholders.
i dont want the number of weapons to be culled so much as the amount of weapons with similar functions. for example, the distinction between the coalition assault rifle and carbine is large enough to warrant there being two weapons. the difference between the long rifle and the ronin sniper rifle is too small. -> more difference please. the pistols could use a bit more variation aswell. the heavy sniper rifle could use some more sensible velocity on the particles. particles should never be going to fast that they phase through stuff.
the annihilator should fire something that feels more "pulse-y", than just a short line of glowy particles. you could also make it actually annihilate anything with some flashwhite, gibthis and MovableMan:AddParticle goodness. i dont know, just more interesting.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:09 am
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs

Oh silly me, I didn't see what you said there.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:20 am
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
Weapons: as said earlier, every weapon should be unique. and I mean UNIQUE. I want every damn gun to be different. And i'm talking way more different than the blaster vs the coalition assault rifle.
Also, why is the peacemaker
- 1 hit kill
- as accurate as a sniper rifle
- a gun with a faster RoF and larger clip than a sniper rifle
- cheap
It's the best weapon ever. So unbalanced.

Also, all actors need to take more damage. 3 pistols rounds to the leg does not blow it apart. All actors die to quickly.

I also want Data to fix actors walking. At the moment walking from point A to point B
- is mind-numbingly slow
- is dangerous: your legs can sometimes explode.
- is not always possible: 'oh no I'm stuck on a 10 cm ledge!'
Jetpacks should only be used for jumping.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:12 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
Miles T3hR4t's full list of things that should be fixed, by category

Most of the maps have crazy load times because of all the content
X Wrap = 0 causes the AI to only spawn from one side of the map on maps over a certain size

Bunker modules:
brain bunker does not line up
Doors: make the doors able to change teams from the scene editor.
Make all the bunker modules line up with eachother.

Pistol should probably have 12, or 20 bullets, what gun has 11? (Not counting the chamber a round unload add a bullet, and reload again crap, that should triple the reload.

Shotgun - Make the AI Use this shotgun, it was bad-ass

Blaster - Useless, scrap it.

Laser rifle. Set the ammo higher, say, 60, cut the reload time in HALF, change ALL the gib related values, it gibs to easily from anything, and has ugly gibs. If you can, use lua to make it so it can overheat if you fire non stop (IE force the player to fire in bursts or the gun blows up, to prevent it being overpowered)

Auto pistols SUCK, who uses them? not me, not the AI (they still do single shot)- scrap it

Shot pistols, there over powered, short range, and useless, Get rid of them

Auto Shot pistol - second verse, same as the first.

Shotgun - Make it more like the Tradestar one. this one doesn't feel right. I'm not sure what it is.

Mauler shotgun - Make the heavy bits heavier, and make them go about 50 pixels further add just a few more 'bullets' per shot 2 or 3 more should do.

Flamers - they still kind of suck and need work. there better than they where, but right now they have NO flow... they should be long range streams of fuel that splash, right now there like the ones in TF2, totally useless unless your on top of someone.

Flak - This is not fun to use, keep tweaking it until its useful and fun

Spike Launcher - make it detonate on impact, and add MOSR gibs that use lua to simulate being sharp. you know, SPIKES. Or better yet, make it shoot actual spikes, like that rail-road tie gun, or the Crossbow in HL2

Uber Cannon - Reload time = 3000, not 9000, I bet you where tempted to make it 9001 but didn't want to deal with all the over 9000! jokes. it explodes at random, and honestly if you keep the ammo as is, it's to weak to warrant only one shot, give it a mag size of 3 or 4,

Uber Cannon - Change the reload time to use lua, when you reload it starts reloading, but reload can be interrupted, like a shot gun, if you only get 1 round loaded, it only has one shot. If you got a full reload, it has 4. make it so that reloading Adds 1 round every 1000 MS, for a reload time of (4 - still loaded * 1000ms) like the shotgun in halo/halflife/every other bloody shooter,

Rocket launcher - Give it 4 ammo instead of 3, and do the same thing to the reload as I suggested for the Uber Cannon

Sniper rifle and Heavy sniper : Fix the bit that shooting makes you loose sharp aim.

Crate : move it to this group out of dummy,

Crate : use lua to make it not count as a death, by making it subtract 1 from deaths when it dies (-1 and + 1, cancel them out or something)

Add a Coalition specific dropship

Give the coalition the dreadnought from the intro

Make the heavy brain mech not retarded

Ronin :

Pistols - Choose one and get rid of ALL the rest
Peacemaker - NO It's stupid

Auto pistols - Double no
Shot pistols - Tripple no
Auto shot pistols - die already

Shotguns - they only need 1 or 2 shotguns, I suggest 1 with buckshot and the other uses a solid slug. there is no such thing as a 'heavy shotgun', yes there are 10 and 12 gauge, but you don't call a 10-gauge a 'heavy shotgun', and CC doesn't need that little of a difference, unless you made it a 12 gauge solid slug and a 10 gauge buckshot.

Rocket Launcher - The rocket launcher the coalition gets is better, something about having 3 shots... Make the Ronin one have 3 shots, but to avoid using the same damn cancelable reload I suggested, make it use a clip of rockets that you have to drop out the old clip , pull out the new one, slam it in, lock in place, and cock the gun again, and give THIS one a longer reload, say 5000-7000 MS, BUT give it a WAY fast rate of fire, like Auto-fire (Think the missile pod in halo, or the fully upgraded Rockets in Quake 4) Faster rate of fire, for a slower reload time... Long reloads only are good if A) you can inturrupt them for less ammo, or B) absurdly fast RoF

Rocket Propelled Chainsaw - I actually loved it. It was nice to see a FUN weapon that isn't all super serious. it just needs 2 things done... First of all, It needs to actually work better... Make the chainsaw blade a Hits MOS/GetsHitMos = 0 thats attached for visual, with the AEmitter so that if it hits something it doesn't just bounce off... Make the chainsaw blade heavyer so that if it hits it wants to keep moving, tip down, and hold the actor down like a hook (where the body of the chainsaw is the curved part, and the chain part is the... not hook) In other words make it front heavy but the front isn't physically there... This will keep it from bouncing without having to use lua.

RPCS 2 - Again with the rocket proppeled chainsaw, Make it less affected by Gravity, because right now the AI trys to use it, and can't aim with it for ♥♥♥♥. it's rocket propelled, pretend it has wings, it's a fanciful nonsense weapon anyway, so why not?

The second thing the above needs

ACTUAL CHAINSAW - If your going to have a rocket propelled chainsaw, you have to have a Normal chainsaw. end of freaking story it has to be primarily a weapon, but able to be used as a digger

Shovel - it still says it can be used as a weapon, even though all the particles are no HitsMos = 0, for NO REASON WHAT SO EVER. It is perfectly reasonable that a 5 pound shovel will cut a man's head in half, or disembowel someone, or even hack off a leg. the US Military has a multi-tool that is a shovel, a knife, and a melee weapon, and it can do all these things. Fix your damn shovel, it was perfect in B22 Unbreak it

all there machine guns - they aren't fun. for being a sci-fi setting, with POOR PEOPLE, they sure do have some top of the line guns. M16? really? and wtf is with taking the AK-47 and just adding zeros. adding zeros to a gun, a gun does not make.

Rather than giving them a YAK-47, Give them the AK-74, this is actually a real gun and is the current Russian standard.


All the new weapons as of B23 - Get rid of every single one of the new ones except the nailer cannon.
-all the new weapons suck. They aren't fun to use, and most of them are flat out retarded, the nailer cannon still needs a ♥♥♥♥ ton of work, but it was the best of them in functionality and believability. The annihilator is very inconsistant, and has way to low of damage, triple the damage, and make it bounce infinitely. also make it count how much damage it does, and have it explode after about 350 - 1000 damage at random.

The Rail Pistol - I take it back I forgot this one leave it as is. its perfect, annoying as hell, always kills me, does its job. exactly what its supposed to do. but make it cost like 20-40.

All the rest of the new weapon content sucks - as for the old stuff

The energy based weapons - all of them- The ammo disappears after X distance. It is WAY to short of a range, make the range 60% longer...

Grenade launcher - Needs more ammo

Shotgun - There the only faction that doesn't have one, and they need one

Sniper Rifle - the AI Always uses this, they NEVER do damage with it, instead, they shoot my gun out of my hands, which I immediately catch, Make the scope/sharp aim thing be lower, so that they aim higher, and get headshots instead of disarming you. - Same applies to all other sniper rifles but its most noticeable from this one, the Coalition ones always BREAK my gun, and at least also do damage.

Dummy Rocket - It flys funny, thats about all I have to say at the moment, Because it flys funny I never use it, after it flys well, i'll critisize more, for now its just a glorified drop-crate with rocket boosters.

Dummy Brain Mech - We need one

Dummy Turret - Needs some work but yeah, its kind of cool that you did it but needs ALOT of work.

Bunker Modules... Make dummy specific Bunker Mods

Dummy shield deployer - Cool idea, but it needs A) Bigger shields B) longer lasting shields) C) less glow

Zombies - they need claws and stuffs... maybe bombs, or explosive zombies.

Whitebots - needs to not be an empty RTE

Rockets- The AI needs to be able to actually land with these without crashing 2/3 of the time

Dropships - The actors need to not fly into engines when dropped off

Drop Crates - They need to not count off as deaths

All Factions need held shields - whats the point of the shields tab... then again noone uses them...

the AI needs work, it needs to not be random, make it randomize who you fight in skermish mode and only use one faction. use lua for this.

Change ALL the sniper weapons so that when the AI uses it they don't shoot your gun, and aim for your head instead, you can do this by fiddling with the scope offsets... lower offset = higher aim...

Grenades, you can not survive stepping on a damn grenade, i don't care if your the god damn batman.

Doors - They need to be able to have teams set


Grenades need to not sink into terrain

More MOSR Mass Drivers like the old Revolver Cannon (I love the new one, but we need one that just shoots heavy bricks again, maybe give that to the ronins)

Browncoats, Either make them a complete faction, or include them with the Coalition for the time being, they don't need there own RTE except to reserve the name. but that was damn annoying.

Clone tubes - The ones from Zombie Cave, Make them placeable, with setable teams, and setable spawns, so that we can use them for our own missions. also make robot factories for the dummies / robot 1/2

Robot 1 & 2 - Keep them and make them more prominent, I don't care if they walk funny in tunnels, I think there fun.

I didn't mean this to be ranting....

Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:18 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
God damnit...

Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Miles T3hR4t's full list of things that should be fixed, by category

Most of the maps have crazy load times because of all the content
X Wrap = 0 causes the AI to only spawn from one side of the map on maps over a certain size

Bunker modules:
brain bunker does not line up
Doors: make the doors able to change teams from the scene editor.
Make all the bunker modules line up with eachother.

Pistol should probably have 12, or 20 bullets, what gun has 11? (Not counting the chamber a round unload add a bullet, and reload again crap, that should triple the reload.

Shotgun - Make the AI Use this shotgun, it was bad-ass

Blaster - Useless, scrap it.

Not useless. Learn to use it better.

Laser rifle. Set the ammo higher, say, 60, cut the reload time in HALF, change ALL the gib related values, it gibs to easily from anything, and has ugly gibs. If you can, use lua to make it so it can overheat if you fire non stop (IE force the player to fire in bursts or the gun blows up, to prevent it being overpowered)

Was WAY too powerful when it had more ammo. Basically a one-hit-kill right now even with the nerf. Who would add more ammo to a one hit kill gun?

Auto pistols SUCK, who uses them? not me, not the AI (they still do single shot)- scrap it

They're cheap and LIGHT. Lightness can be important. This will probably become more obvious when the number of vanilla campaign missions increase.

Shot pistols, there they're over powered, short range, and useless, Get rid of them

See above. Shot pistols are actually really pretty damn good. Learn to use it! I have a feeling I'm going to keep saying this in this thread, so I'll just abbreviate from now on: LTUT/LTUI (plural/singular).

Auto Shot pistol - second verse, same as the first.

LTUT. Lightness. Compact. Can't always bring a minigun.

Shotgun - Make it more like the Tradestar one. this one doesn't feel right. I'm not sure what it is.

Mauler shotgun - Make the heavy bits heavier, and make them go about 50 pixels further add just a few more 'bullets' per shot 2 or 3 more should do.

I actually agree with this. Currently, the autos is better than the Mauler.

Flamers - they still kind of suck and need work. there better than they where, but right now they have NO flow... they should be long range streams of fuel that splash, right now there like the ones in TF2, totally useless unless your you're on top of someone.

Flak - This is not fun to use, keep tweaking it until its useful and fun

Lie. LTUI.

Spike Launcher - make it detonate on impact, and add MOSR gibs that use lua to simulate being sharp. you know, SPIKES. Or better yet, make it shoot actual spikes, like that rail-road tie gun, or the Crossbow in HL2

Uber Cannon - Reload time = 3000, not 9000, I bet you where tempted to make it 9001 but didn't want to deal with all the over 9000! jokes. it explodes at random, and honestly if you keep the ammo as is, it's to too weak to warrant only one shot, give it a mag size of 3 or 4,

The Uber Cannon is the BIG GUN in Cortex Command. It is the BFG, the Redeemer, the nuke! What do these all have in common? They generally all shoot once, and then it's over. It must be one round, and it must have a long reload time. Unlike most games, CC has infinite ammo - that's why the big gun isn't all powerful. But seriously, people need to stop saying that the Uber cannon needs faster reloading. It defeats the entire purpose of the gun and would only work to further homogenize the CC weapon lineup.

Uber Cannon - Change the reload time to use lua, when you reload it starts reloading, but reload can be interrupted, like a shot gun, if you only get 1 round loaded, it only has one shot. If you got a full reload, it has 4. make it so that reloading Adds 1 round every 1000 MS, for a reload time of (4 - still loaded * 1000ms) like the shotgun in halo/halflife/every other bloody shooter,

Yes, let's make EVERY gun like the shotgun in EVER shooter. That's ♥♥♥♥ genius.

Rocket launcher - Give it 4 ammo instead of 3, and do the same thing to the reload as I suggested for the Uber Cannon

Sniper rifle and Heavy sniper : Fix the bit that shooting makes you loose sharp aim.

Make the heavy sniper rifle better? Stupid.

Crate : move it to this group out of dummy,


Crate : use lua to make it not count as a death, by making it subtract 1 from deaths when it dies (-1 and + 1, cancel them out or something)

Add a Coalition specific dropship

Give the coalition the dreadnought from the intro

Make the heavy brain mech not retarded

Ronin :

Pistols - Choose one and get rid of ALL the rest
Peacemaker - NO It's stupid

Auto pistols - Double no
Shot pistols - Tripple no
Auto shot pistols - die already

Shotguns - they only need 1 or 2 shotguns, I suggest 1 with buckshot and the other uses a solid slug. there is no such thing as a 'heavy shotgun', yes there are 10 and 12 gauge, but you don't call a 10-gauge a 'heavy shotgun', and CC doesn't need that little of a difference, unless you made it a 12 gauge solid slug and a 10 gauge buckshot.


Rocket Launcher - The rocket launcher the coalition gets is better, something about having 3 shots... Make the Ronin one have 3 shots, but to avoid using the same damn cancelable reload I suggested, make it use a clip of rockets that you have to drop out the old clip , pull out the new one, slam it in, lock in place, and cock the gun again, and give THIS one a longer reload, say 5000-7000 MS, BUT give it a WAY fast rate of fire, like Auto-fire (Think the missile pod in halo, or the fully upgraded Rockets in Quake 4) Faster rate of fire, for a slower reload time... Long reloads only are good if A) you can inturrupt interrupt them for less ammo, or B) absurdly fast RoF

Stupid idea. Completely destroys the strategic reasons for not always using a rocket launcher, which should be purely tactical fire and duck weapon.

Rocket Propelled Chainsaw - I actually loved it. It was nice to see a FUN weapon that isn't all super serious. it just needs 2 things done... First of all, It needs to actually work better... Make the chainsaw blade a Hits MOS/GetsHitMos = 0 thats attached for visual, with the AEmitter so that if it hits something it doesn't just bounce off... Make the chainsaw blade heavyer so that if it hits it wants to keep moving, tip down, and hold the actor down like a hook (where the body of the chainsaw is the curved part, and the chain part is the... not hook) In other words make it front heavy but the front isn't physically there... This will keep it from bouncing without having to use lua.

RPCS 2 - Again with the rocket proppeled chainsaw, Make it less affected by Gravity, because right now the AI trys to use it, and can't aim with it for crap. it's rocket propelled, pretend it has wings, it's a fanciful nonsense weapon anyway, so why not?

The second thing the above needs

ACTUAL CHAINSAW - If your going to have a rocket propelled chainsaw, you have to have a Normal chainsaw. end of freaking story it has to be primarily a weapon, but able to be used as a digger

Shovel - it still says it can be used as a weapon, even though all the particles are no HitsMos = 0, for NO REASON WHAT SO EVER. It is perfectly reasonable that a 5 pound shovel will cut a man's head in half, or disembowel someone, or even hack off a leg. the US Military has a multi-tool that is a shovel, a knife, and a melee weapon, and it can do all these things. Fix your damn shovel, it was perfect in B22 Unbreak it

all there the [are you a ♥♥♥♥ pirate?] machine guns - they aren't fun. for being a sci-fi setting, with POOR PEOPLE, they sure do have some top of the line guns. M16? really? and wtf is with taking the AK-47 and just adding zeros. adding zeros to a gun, a gun does not make.

AGAIN, IT'S THE ♥♥♥♥ FUTURE. 3rd world countries of today have last decade's guns. Is it not enough for you for the freedom fighters to have last millenium's guns?

Rather than giving them a YAK-47, Give them the AK-74,. this This is actually a real gun and is the current Russian standard.

How the ♥♥♥♥ are you complaining both about the "sci fi" setting AND the placement of "real guns"? It's completely ridiculous.

I can't go on. Too painful.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:53 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
I remembered one more thing: The Ronin need a unit with a helmet! All of them die too easily from headshots. Maybe a unit with samurai armor? 'Cause, you know, Ronin means "Samurai devoid of a master" in japanese. Or something like that.
(For some weird reason, Ronin can also mean a "student that failed to pass college exams". Hmm...)

Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:27 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
Not samurai armor. That would be lame and misfitting, even if their name comes from samurai.
It should be makeshift armor; something like the first armor Stark builds in the Iron Man movie, but not as effective.
You know, really bulky, rusted metal plating, that stuff.
It would be much more fitting to the theme of the Ronin and fill their need for a heavy unit.
Even though I think they're supposed to be the human wave attack/zerg rush faction anyways, so heavies wouldn't be commonly used by them. But occasionally being thrown that curveball would be cool.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:01 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
Miles, that is exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you. Aside from a few things, I entirely agree with you. The pistols will be made a bit different from each other instead of totally removing them, though. My one question is about the doors - as far as I know, you can change their team in the Scene Editor, as I've used it for all the missions currently in the game.
For those of you that are still confused, content means weapons, items and maps. It's the stuff that you can get at and change too. Anything else should be left out.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:39 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
I tested the tradestar weapons and their ronin conterparts and I can say the pistol is exactly the same as the HAK10 (right number?) the AK-47 is the same as the YAK-47, the shotgun is the same as the heavy shotgun and the short gun which just has a higher spread and the blunderbuss is exactly the same as the undead.rte blunderbuss. I don't know if they are different in the ini files but they play exactly the same anywho.

shotguns - all the same, except the mauler which is awesome but needs more range.

also Miles, in dummy assault they all come with an auto pistol and I had one guy who had 23 health in the base I thought he got killed but a while later and he was pwning the dummy's (killed over ten) with his auto pistol and didn't lose a single bit of health, until just before my brain escaped where he got shot by a dummy from behind. sure the spread on them is a little too high, but after that feat by one of my light soldiers I actually see them as being a reasonably good side arm.

anything with insane spread needs adjusting

Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:04 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
Erm, did anyone else notice that the offsets for most of the Ronin content is way off? I mean, it looks like when you are using a Ronin pistol you are holding the barrel? I mean, I guess I'm no soldier, but it seems that holding the barrel of a semi-auto/auto pistol would be... hurtful. Sliding parts and burning casings an all...

Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:24 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
Robolee, those are intended to be the same. The old weapons just have yet to be phased out. Next build they probably will be.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:24 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
I think the homing missiles launcher needs more initial velocity and a shorter reload time. It isn't really that much better then the normal rocket launcher.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:44 pm
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Post Re: So, official orders from devs
I'd already given it a bit more initial push before you even said that. Aside from that, maybe a bigger boom or something? I can make the reload time less but it's currently exactly the same as the other rocket launcher as far as I know.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:44 pm
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