So, recently, I got addicted to small-scale steam engines. I decided it was time to buy one. I went to a model shop, and the cheapest model's price was... 250 bucks. Heck, I could buy a car with that much money. So I decided that I was going to build my own steam engine. I scrounged the internet for some schematics, and started gathering parts. Milk can - OK. Blowtorch - OK. Distilled water - OK. Bicicle parts - OK. Copper/brass tubes - not OK.
The problem is, thin copper tubes are kinda hard to come by. As far as I know, the only places where those tubes can be scavenged from are fridges, water purifiers and old mining helmets. Fridges are too expensive, water purifiers are even harder to come by, and I don't want to take apart my mining helmet. So, does anyone here know any other machines that have scavengeable copper tubing? Before anyone goes saying that I should just go to the hardware store and buy some tubes, that is not an option, as copper is not cheap and I've already spent most of my money buying this oversized wrench: (don't ask why)
Thanks in advance.