So I had this crazy idea...
Make a sculpting contest. You can use B22 or B23, whichever suits the need.
What you can use:
-Vanilla bunker modules
-Vanilla diggers and weapons (if you can master them)
-Vanilla concrete gun, concrete sprayer, foam (B23)
-Snow Pack snow guns
-Undead Apoc gore and blood sprayers
-one vanilla dummy to use the tools with
-starting funds only. No using diggers to get more money (you'll have enough)
Required mod:
ASPHD_Portal (to provide no-enemy sculpting environment, also, next-to-unlimited money)
link ->
viewtopic.php?f=24&t=13583What to do:
using the 'legal' stuff above, make a sculpture. Then take a step back, admire your work, and take a screenshot. Then, post it here.
sculptures will be judged with these criteria:
-tool usage
-difficulty (see below)
Difficulty modes:
-normal (follow the rules above)(diff multiplier: 1x)
-hard (build your sculpture with one tool only (no weaps)/build your sculpture in grasslands in skirmish mode, easy setting)(diff multiplier: 2x)
-very hard (build your sculpture with one tool only (no weaps) AND while in skirmish mode, medium setting)(diff multiplier: 5x)
-ace mode (ditto as very hard, only death setting)(diff multiplier: 10x)
-time attack mode (normal rules, but in an unregistered copy/use a 6 min timer)(diff multiplier: 6x)
Badges will be given as prizes for:
-most score (duh)
-biggest sculpture
-most creativity
-best handicap tooling
-most lolworthy
-best of normal diff
-best of hard diff
-best of very hard diff
-best of ace diff
-best of time attack diff
-the most epic fail (I hope nobody's gunning for THIS)