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 Sculpting contest. 
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Post Sculpting contest.
So I had this crazy idea...
Make a sculpting contest. You can use B22 or B23, whichever suits the need.
What you can use:
-Vanilla bunker modules
-Vanilla diggers and weapons (if you can master them)
-Vanilla concrete gun, concrete sprayer, foam (B23)
-Snow Pack snow guns
-Undead Apoc gore and blood sprayers
-one vanilla dummy to use the tools with
-starting funds only. No using diggers to get more money (you'll have enough)

Required mod:
ASPHD_Portal (to provide no-enemy sculpting environment, also, next-to-unlimited money)
link -> viewtopic.php?f=24&t=13583

What to do:
using the 'legal' stuff above, make a sculpture. Then take a step back, admire your work, and take a screenshot. Then, post it here.

sculptures will be judged with these criteria:
-tool usage
-difficulty (see below)

Difficulty modes:
-normal (follow the rules above)(diff multiplier: 1x)
-hard (build your sculpture with one tool only (no weaps)/build your sculpture in grasslands in skirmish mode, easy setting)(diff multiplier: 2x)
-very hard (build your sculpture with one tool only (no weaps) AND while in skirmish mode, medium setting)(diff multiplier: 5x)
-ace mode (ditto as very hard, only death setting)(diff multiplier: 10x)
-time attack mode (normal rules, but in an unregistered copy/use a 6 min timer)(diff multiplier: 6x)

Badges will be given as prizes for:
-most score (duh)
-biggest sculpture
-most creativity
-best handicap tooling
-most lolworthy
-best of normal diff
-best of hard diff
-best of very hard diff
-best of ace diff
-best of time attack diff
-the most epic fail (I hope nobody's gunning for THIS)

Thu May 14, 2009 2:59 pm
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
ITT giant topics with way too much effort for something you have no idea if anyone is interested in besides yourself.

Thu May 14, 2009 3:03 pm
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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
Hey, can't blame ya for trying. I did it for shiz 'n' gigglez.

Thu May 14, 2009 3:05 pm
Profile YIM WWW

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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
Screw Grif, he doesnt want to have fun. I'm in! And I'll make a concrete man for starters.

Also I'm thinking of making a precision digger that has very high cutting power, but its range is extremely shorter than most diggers and it has no spread so it digs in a line. This tool can be very effective in killing doors and penetrating the bright metal parts in bunkers only the heavy digger can cut most effectively.

Btw I once suggested to Data making the diggers hurt only terrain, but he didnt like that. My idea was to keep the diggers more as tools and have more room for specific melee type weapons.

EDIT: Required mod? Oh cmon. Tutorial bunker, nuff said.

Thu May 14, 2009 3:31 pm
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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
Nice numgun, but you are aware you can't use it for the contest right?

Thu May 14, 2009 3:37 pm
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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
Oh allright num-num. Participants could also use the tut bunker (or a 2P grassland map, leave the 2P immobile) if they're lazy at downloading the ASPHD_portal scene. But yes, warman is right, no using custom tools for this one. Maybe in the next sculpting contest?

Also, final sculpture entry date will be... May 28. That good?

Thu May 14, 2009 3:53 pm
Profile YIM WWW

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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
war_man333 wrote:
Nice numgun, but you are aware you can't use it for the contest right?

Use what?

Also I'm thinking of making a precision digger that has

Congratulation. You failed. :grin:

Thu May 14, 2009 3:56 pm
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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
I... failed... :(

Thu May 14, 2009 4:11 pm
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Post Re: Sculpting contest.
Oh, just make a sculpture and post the pic here already!

Sat May 16, 2009 9:43 am
Profile YIM WWW
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