Or you could use the method I used for my MKV's explosion, which I used to make it disarmable by gibbing, but nuclear by timer. Numgun's TTB might also use this method too, I dunno.
If the gibbing having inexact particle quantity, a lack of offsets, and a lack of velocity inheritance is okay, [such as for many explosives] consider just making the gibbing by adding gib emissions to the emitter you already have and want to 'gib'. For example, just put this emission on your emitter, change the StartTimeMS to whatever you want your detonation time to be in milliseconds, and make the emitter's lifetime said 'whatever' plus about 50. Then, to change the quantity of the particles, just change the ParticlesPerMinute. And then changing the type of particle and velocity and all that are obvious.
AddEmission = Emission
EmittedParticle = MOSParticle
CopyOf = Tiny Smoke Ball 1
ParticlesPerMinute = 60000
BurstSize = 50
Spread = 6.28
MaxVelocity = 150
MinVelocity = 0
PushesEmitter = 0
StartTimeMS = 950
The result is that particles are emitted for a short period of time, and then the emitter disappears, and that short period of time might as well be instant to an observer. But it doesn't necessarily have to be that fast if you want to make an alternative explosive effect, lengthening and embracing this time of emission might be good for pushy yet nonlethal concussive blasts, or incendiaries.
There's usually more than one solution to a problem, and not often is one the best for all circumstances.