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 Castle Creations ltd. (v0.05 22:50 6/22/09 GMT) 
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
What grinder thing exactly? That sounds fun...

Sun May 03, 2009 7:38 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Everybody wants boiling oil and fireball catapults, right?.. right?

Sun May 03, 2009 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Hell YEAH!

Sun May 03, 2009 10:13 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Jesus christ you aren't even posting, just spamming for post count, don't post unless you've got something to say, goddamn.

Sun May 03, 2009 10:22 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Boiling oil could be operated by a door, pouring relatively high mass particles on any enemy passing underneath. Sharpness would just destroy the actor though.

Sun May 03, 2009 10:24 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Boiling oil emitter operated by Lua for next build, feasible and makes more sense to me. Lots of lag from always-emitting oil emitters seems like a bad idea right now.
Catapult would be great, but 1. I have no experience with ACrabs and 2. I have no sprites. These two reasons are quite the large stumbling blocks.

Sun May 03, 2009 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Indeed. Which is why you may want to pester Ivan or DSMK2 for help.

Sun May 03, 2009 10:30 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Or you could just stop spamming and let Duh102 make his mod the way he wants it.
There aren't any trophees for a high postcount, FZ.

Sun May 03, 2009 10:35 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Okay. I have taken your advice into account, and have listened to complaints, and I tried to say how boiling oil might be done. More complaints. All I did was suggest getting a contribution, and yet you complain. So, I will leave. Get the party mix out.

Sun May 03, 2009 10:38 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Flammablezombie, here's a tip.
If people want you to leave, don't threaten to do it.
They will just say "ok" and then lock the gate behind you.

If you just think before you post and spend a little bit longer deciding whether something is actually worth telling us about (A post that is basically just "yes", for instance, is not worth posting) then you could well become a valued community member.

And maybe just post a little less in general.

If you must reply to this, please do it in a PM, so that the good chaps in this topic can get on with discussing the mod instead of your own problems.

Sun May 03, 2009 10:42 pm
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Where did you get the knight actor?

Mon May 04, 2009 12:12 am
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Woose1 wrote:
Where did you get the knight actor?

Melee Master Arms, the third mod in the triumvirate. It'll be released next, within the week.

Mon May 04, 2009 12:36 am
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Duh102 wrote:
Woose1 wrote:
Where did you get the knight actor?

Melee Master Arms, the third mod in the triumvirate. It'll be released next, within the week.

sweet :grin:

this mod looks awsome!

Mon May 04, 2009 1:27 am
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
metal chao wrote:
Flammablezombie, here's a tip.
If people want you to leave, don't threaten to do it.
They will just say "ok" and then lock the gate behind you.

If you just think before you post and spend a little bit longer deciding whether something is actually worth telling us about (A post that is basically just "yes", for instance, is not worth posting) then you could well become a valued community member.

And maybe just post a little less in general.

If you must reply to this, please do it in a PM, so that the good chaps in this topic can get on with discussing the mod instead of your own problems.

I'd like to put in a few words on this topic, then may we never speak of it again. I will explain why...

FlammableZombie has never once listened to anyone on this subject, despite myriad attempts at getting him to not be such a frothing, childish nuisance. A thread-pollutant, if you will. And i know why.

He has a deep need to be heard, and as long as we keep expressing anything in his direction (be it exasperation, contempt, love, whatever) that positively reinforces his posting. Even if we're being cocks to him. He's the sort of person who needs the attention of strangers so badly that he'll post when he hasn't got anything to say, then post when someone calls him on it, then post again.

It's like when we were in first grade. Ya know that kid who would eat glue, take a dump in the urinal, talk during lessons, laugh at nothing in particular and disrupt class? Remember how the teacher would punish that kid? Remember how everyone was mean to that kid? remember how that didn't change anything until he finally turned 7 and grew up a little bit? Often times, that kid didn't get enough attention at earlier stages in his development. That person feels obsolete and must prove to himself that he is not. He does this by getting a reaction out of people. It's not even about acceptance or love, it's about being recognized, about having some sort of measurable affect on one's social environment.

You see, a neglected person like FlammableZombie isn't picky when it comes to what type of attention he gets from a crowd. It could be abject hatred and as long as he gets any response he will return to the proverbial well. It's sad, really. A creature so thirsty for the mere notice of others doesn't deserve our anger, he deserves our pity. Read about Erikson's work on the social development of a person for a more in-depth picture of what we're being forced to deal with here.

If you understand that, then it makes it a lot easier. You can look down and see FlammableZombie and all the ridiculous things he gets up to for the sake of someone else noticing him. You won't even get pissed off about it anymore, understanding it will put you at ease, and you'll be able to truly ignore his constant, thoughtless cage-rattling and poo-slinging.

I don't mean to derail this thread, in fact i mean to get it back on track. i urge you all to think of him like you think of your neighbor's barking dog and just ignore it. Talk about the f*cking mod and not FlammableZombie's neurosis. If you respond to him, even kindly like Metal Chao has, you may have the best of intentions but you're unwittingly becoming part of the problem.

Now i understand that i'm responding to him, in a way, and thereby breaking my own rule. The difference is that i have not once addressed him personally, which is a lesson to take if you simply must discuss something he's "expressed".

Anyway, back to the topic at hand:

it doesn't work right of the bat on a mac, but a little find-replace in textedit does the trick and it's really fun to play with. I think it's already been suggested, but a series of actors for different royal houses might be fun, War of the Roses style. Playing it reminds me of this little game i've been playing a lot lately.

Mon May 04, 2009 1:32 am
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happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Castle Creations ltd. (v0.01 5:24 5/3/09 GMT)
Thanks for the insight, and trying to keep the thread on track.
Allen wrote:
it doesn't work right of the bat on a mac, but a little find-replace in textedit does the trick and it's really fun to play with.

Bugger, with the new version too? What needs to be changed?

Mon May 04, 2009 1:46 am
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