Crates won't appear in list
So, I wanted to make some presets using the dummy storage crate. Since It's a TerrainObject that includes the ACRocket, I made some ACRocket presets (like "Crate with 2 Soldiers") and replaced the PlacedObject with them. The problem is, they won't show up in the list, and I did make sure Buyable = 1 and that they're added to the proper group.
Here's the code:
AddActor = ACRocket
CopyOf = Storage Crate
PresetName = Crate with 2 Snipers
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = Soldier Sniper HSR
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = Soldier Sniper BA
AddTerrainObject = TerrainObject
PresetName = Set Crate with 2 Snipers
Description = Crate with 2 Snipers
AddToGroup = FCmods
GoldValue = 100
Buyable = 1
FGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Dummy.rte/Other/Storage Crate/CrateRackFG.bmp
MaterialFile = ContentFile
Path = Dummy.rte/Other/Storage Crate/CrateRackMAT.bmp
BGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Dummy.rte/Other/Storage Crate/CrateRackBG.bmp
BitmapOffset = Vector
X = -12
Y = -24
AddChildObject = SOPlacer
PlacedObject = ACRocket
CopyOf = Crate with 2 Snipers
Offset = Vector
X = 0
Y = -5
Help please, where did I go wrong?