Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
finaly after 2 days...
i managed to fix the buggy upload...
Tau new version of mod.rar
please review it!!!
here is a changelog for the new version...

changed suff!!!
rebalanced the pulse rifle
A)the auto shot is weaker and allthow it has the same range as the 1shot you can not aim as far as the 1shot
B)the 1shot has a good range and a decent power/medium rate of fire and reload
rebalanced the rail rifle
it is the most powerfull weapon!!!
but it has a looow rate of fire and a looow reload
remade the photon grenade as it was suggested as it has the effect to confuse the enemy AI
remade the pulse carbine to have an underslug grenade thrower(it throws an photon grenade)!!!
made the pulse pistol as a weapon of last resort(it is usless if you want to kill a horde of enemies but it can be used as a last resort weapon in case you have lost all your other weapons/you need to reload)

added new stuff!!!
1 bonding knife(the bonded teams get this as a weapon and it work just fine in a desperate close combat situation)
1 marker sights(can call artilery,you use it just like any other spotter)
1 new actor named the tau bodyguard(my favorite)(can some1 fix his shield i could not fix it)
1 new actor named xv15 stealtsuit(the only 1 with a jetpack)

i present you the bonded squads!!!
theese are pre equiped units to help you get what you need when you need it.
there are 3 bonded squads
1)fire warrior bonded squads
theese units are equiped with an array of weapons.
they are rather expencive but pack quite a punch
they are equiped with
primary weapons(each gets from 1)
pulse rifles/rail rifles/marker sights
secontary weapons(they all get them)
x1 pulse pistol/x1 bonding knive/x2 photon grenades
2)tau bonded bodyguards
they are expencive and they are powerfull
theese units are equiped with almost the same weapons as the fire warriors
but they get an pulse carbine instead of marker sights
primary weapons(each get from 1)
pulse rifles/rail rifles/pulse carbines
secontary weapons(they all get them)
x1 pulse pistol/x1 bonding knive/x2 photon grenades
3)Ta'u xv15 stealtsuits bonded team
theese guys get them all...
they are the most expencive and durable and versitile of all...
they have all weapons
primary weapons
primary weapons(each gets from 1)
pulse rifles/rail rifles/marker sights/pulse carbine/fusion cutter
secontary weapons(they all get them)
x1 pulse pistol/x1 bonding knive/x2 photon grenades
and with this the changelog for the new version has ended...
the bodyguards and stealthsuit sprites are made by naXx!!!
and a HUGE ADVICE!!!
use a mod than generates income or you will have some problems with theese guys(or you can change the prises)...