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 W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!! 
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
Schweet... added to lists. (Note: it doesn't have every unit, just alot of hard to find ones)

Revised lists.
411570N3 wrote:
Picture Lists
Weapons/Drones Pictures
Units/Ships Pictures
More Pictures

In-depth function descriptions...
Weapon Descriptions
Unit/Vehicle Descriptions

Descriptions of how they work as opposed to exactly what they do...
Weapon Descriptions
Unit Descriptions
Ship Descriptions
Also, C&C on my sprites?
XV88-2 version railgun coming soon...

EDIT: XV88-2 Version railgun here! As well as minor amendments to the normal XV88 railgun. Whee! Completely canon version XV88-2 railgun included! As well as spiffy, not so boring, less pillow shading with paint and cooling details version! Large objects which are not fun to be aimed at with! Quite possibly a fusion blaster or plasma rifle from the near future! Somehow in the present! Yet most probably not! Because time travel utilises energies far greater than would be used to make this mod faster!
EDIT2: I just decided to make a new pulse carbine sprite. I also have an idea. Many of you will be familiar with Gotcha!'s Unitech Pack. In it, there were a range of underslung grenade launching weapons. My idea is that the first shot of the pulse carbine be a photon grenade. The photon grenade would essentially be a lower particle count but higher lifetime version of Darlos9D's chaff grenade, simulating confusion. Would anyone be able to advise on the possibility of such a weapon?

Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:05 am
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
very good idea...
the chaff grenade...
i think than i can make it more like a ta'u weapon...
do you want me to try to make the pulse carbine like that weapon???

Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:18 am
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
Ummm... if you like... grenade launcher is made thus:
Define grenade as addammo=tdexplosive
Define grenade as addammo=round, which is a copyof the tdexplosive
We'll probably be having a photon grenade in addition to the pulse carbine so feel free to make that while you're doing this.
Add the grenade as a tracer to the weapon of choice.
Tweak the ttrratio 'til it works as you like it. Try to make it so there's only one grenade per mag.
I'll make a photon grenade sprite soon along with the pulse carbine.
I'd probably make the launched grenade a copy of Darlos9D's chaff grenade. It's in his Darkstorm pack.

Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:37 am
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
and i have the chaff grenade...
do you think than it would be a good idea to tweak it???

Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:42 am
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
guess what???
the t'au pulse carbine now has an grenade thrower...
the photon grenade now has a nice vs enemy effect(*ingame enemy=wtf???where do i shoot???)
the AI now shoots the litle clouds instead of you...
i am very happy...
both changes are looking good and are working good...
i will make some more tweaking in the whole mod and then i am going ti give it to you...

Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:23 pm
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
411570N3, i'm gonna use the XV-88 railgun sprite you posted as the rail-rifle,
I'm using the XV 88-2 railgun sprite as my rail-gun for now, because mine is fudge ugly.

Will post the rail rifle afterwords,

Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:40 pm
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
Well i just had a hur-dee-dur moment, I replaced the sprite with the new ones, without doing a thing to the offsets, the rail-rifle, I took the sprite, shrank it to 50%, and then added a handle, and... well I got the attached file, BAD IDEA.....

then I found, that I FORGOT how to do offsets, and then just felt so out of it as soon as i realized that, that i don't think i can keep working on this. at least not now.

Could someone please make offsets for this?

Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:51 pm
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
did i say than i HATE VISTA???
it does not allow me to upload the new changes i made...
this is stupid...
this is not fair!!!
i hade made a lot of changes...
help any1???

Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:33 pm
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
I posted a rail rifle sprite. I also have offsets. Here they are:
SpriteOffset = Vector
   X = -30 //Might be 1 off, try -29 if the others are being screwy
   Y = -10 //Same as above, 'cept with -9
JointOffset = Vector
   X = 14 //Maybe 15, check
   Y = -8 //Maybe -7, check
MuzzleOffset = Vector
   X = -31
   Y = 0
SupportOffset = Vector
   X = 4 //Or 5 if that suits your fancy
   Y = -4 //+ or - 1 if you like
I'll add offsets on demand. I think we should have a null shells for all pulse weapons because I'm quite sure they're caseless... I could redo the sprite so that there's a space for the knob thing at the back and have the knob thing as the magazine... if people think that's a good idea...
I'll need a working .rte for more offsets. I'll try to make the magazine compatible rail rifle sprite asap. Also, the pulse carbine is coming along nicely.

EDIT: Magazine compatible rail rifle and magazine done. If using them the extra offsets are:
//For the magazine code
SpriteOffset = Vector
   X = -3 //Possibly -2
   Y = -3 //Possibly -2
//For the hdfirearm code
ParentOffset = Vector
   X = 23
   Y = -2

EDIT 2: I'm very sure that the XV railguns are chain-fed for the 2 and show no visible magazines for the standard.
EDIT 3: Had an OCD moment and decided to post all my finished sprites again. Comments and Criticism?

Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:45 am
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
i dont see a difrence on the new rail rifle...
the big rail rifle(for the bettlesuit) is sweet...

Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:54 am
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
The old rail rifle had random bits removed which are really obvious on the actual models. This one has all the parts in it.
Almost finished the pulse carbine. I did it to scale, but I never realised that it was so big. Looking at the models again the carbine is taller than the fire warrior's torso when pointing forward O.O...

Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:47 pm
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!

Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:30 pm
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
I just had an idea regarding stealth, the amber turret from AAL has a shield that is an mosrotating (I think) that blocks attacks but is also effective stealth. Now it works for the turret as it has a ridiculous pin strength and will not be moving. Since a tau stealth suit will be, we require another idea. My idea is the constant emitting of extremely low lifetime mosrotating segments to completely encircle the actor. The mosrotatings should be invisible, massive pin stength, lifetime = 1 and hitsmos = 0. My question is does setting hitsmos or hitbymos to 0 negate the stealth effect? If not, then we have a viable stealth generator - enemies outside the emitting perimiter will not see nor fire upon the actor, but if close enough will see them. Another idea is to add a few emitters at close range to make them still hard to see for enemies. If making the mosrotatings invisible does not work then it could be replaced with a shimmering air effect instead. However, the problem, whether any other parts of this post are viable or not, is that the lower mosrotatings will become terrain, not exactly canon... -_-"
Anyone able to advise on the possibility of this?
Another thing, the current photon grenade is a modified chaff grenade, causing enemies to shoot at clouds instead of actors. This does not properly simulate being stunned or disabled. My idea is that the photon grenade emits a few actor son your team (this will require there to be a version for each team, I know), with actor firing guns. The actors from the gun will fire actors on your team again, but with a very low giblimit, causing them to die on impact. This means that any enemy actors in sight range will not shoot at all, simply staring at the grenade (probably with glow effects) with a flashing exclaimation mark over their head, as the target they were aiming at keeps dying before they have the opportunity to shoot at it.
Also, C & C on ma sprites? *motions 4 posts up*
EDIT: Also, C & C on ma sprite? *motions a few lines down*
I couldn't be bothered to find a perfect model picture so some of it is me freestyling, but I'm happy to say that this should be pretty close to canon...
EDIT 2: Now with magazine which is probably canon-ish, there's nothing I can be bothered to find that contradicts it. If you find something that does I'll re-do it. I might do the carbine minus grenade launcher and/or sight later. But over here it's a quarter to 12 and like a normal human I require sleep... note the "like a normal human", implying disclusion...

Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:28 am
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
411570N3 nice sprites!!!
i love the new carbine...
how does the marker sights look like???
i made an marker sights weapon(you can call artilery)
and i am using a binoculars sprite...
can some1 help me???

Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:59 pm
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Post Re: W40k:Tau U-P-D-A-T-E !!!!
finaly after 2 days...
i managed to fix the buggy upload...
Tau new version of mod.rar

please review it!!!
here is a changelog for the new version...

:D changed suff!!!
rebalanced the pulse rifle
A)the auto shot is weaker and allthow it has the same range as the 1shot you can not aim as far as the 1shot
B)the 1shot has a good range and a decent power/medium rate of fire and reload
rebalanced the rail rifle
it is the most powerfull weapon!!!
but it has a looow rate of fire and a looow reload
remade the photon grenade as it was suggested as it has the effect to confuse the enemy AI
remade the pulse carbine to have an underslug grenade thrower(it throws an photon grenade)!!!
made the pulse pistol as a weapon of last resort(it is usless if you want to kill a horde of enemies but it can be used as a last resort weapon in case you have lost all your other weapons/you need to reload)

:D added new stuff!!!
1 bonding knife(the bonded teams get this as a weapon and it work just fine in a desperate close combat situation)
1 marker sights(can call artilery,you use it just like any other spotter)
1 new actor named the tau bodyguard(my favorite)(can some1 fix his shield i could not fix it)
1 new actor named xv15 stealtsuit(the only 1 with a jetpack)

:cool: AAAND FINALY :cool:
i present you the bonded squads!!!
theese are pre equiped units to help you get what you need when you need it.
there are 3 bonded squads

1)fire warrior bonded squads
theese units are equiped with an array of weapons.
they are rather expencive but pack quite a punch
they are equiped with
primary weapons(each gets from 1)
pulse rifles/rail rifles/marker sights
secontary weapons(they all get them)
x1 pulse pistol/x1 bonding knive/x2 photon grenades

2)tau bonded bodyguards
they are expencive and they are powerfull
theese units are equiped with almost the same weapons as the fire warriors
but they get an pulse carbine instead of marker sights
primary weapons(each get from 1)
pulse rifles/rail rifles/pulse carbines
secontary weapons(they all get them)
x1 pulse pistol/x1 bonding knive/x2 photon grenades

3)Ta'u xv15 stealtsuits bonded team
theese guys get them all...
they are the most expencive and durable and versitile of all...
they have all weapons
primary weapons
primary weapons(each gets from 1)
pulse rifles/rail rifles/marker sights/pulse carbine/fusion cutter
secontary weapons(they all get them)
x1 pulse pistol/x1 bonding knive/x2 photon grenades

and with this the changelog for the new version has ended...
the bodyguards and stealthsuit sprites are made by naXx!!!
and a HUGE ADVICE!!!
use a mod than generates income or you will have some problems with theese guys(or you can change the prises)...

Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:32 pm
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