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 Use of Minor Mod Compendium 
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Post Use of Minor Mod Compendium
Recently a lot of people have been flamed to a crisp for releasing semi-crappy mods.
People say, "put it in the minor mod compendium," but the minor mod compendium is not a good place.
As Lord Tim said, "it lacks organization," or something like that.
People want feedback for their mods, and the minor mod compendium doesn't offer that.

People have come to expect big packs of weapons, actors and whatever else the author manages to squeeze in.
But that really shouldn't be a requirement for it to be a mod release.
A mod of a single gun and the whole AAL pack both contain only one .rte.
They are both mods. And mods go in mod releases, do they not?

But even so, bad mods, or very small mods, such as plain resprites, don't really have a place in mod releases.
But the minor mod compendium isn't the answer.
I jokingly said that the requests thread was expanded into a forum, maybe the mod compendium should too!
Now I think that actually might be a reasonable solution.

I think there should be a subforum of mod releases called something like "first mods" or "minor mods" that makes it clear that you should put you bad mod there.
It would allow people to get feedback much easier than the minor mod compendium, and it would ideally solve the problem of mods and modders getting insulted by people who don't like their mod.

Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:49 am

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Post Re: Use of Minor Mod Compendium
I agree with this, although I that "people are used to packs" is not correct, I myself release single item mods from time to time. The thing that qualifies a mod to be in the mod releases is pretty much just the quality. If you make it good that you'd play it yourself and enjoy it then it belongs to mod releases.

Stuff like half-arsed, crappy resprites, very minor edits from the vanilla content or stuff that is a proof of concept, but poorly made belong to the minor mods.

There are some mods in the minor mod compendum that shouldnt belong there.
I wont list them now because I'm too fat. I will do it by request however if anyone wants.

But yeah, a seperate forum for minor mods would be hot. People release the mods to the public so they'd get CC and praise (flames, if done horribly) for the work theyve done.

Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:11 am
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Post Re: Use of Minor Mod Compendium
numgun wrote:
I myself release single item mods from time to time.

haha, even your single mods are packs. Just look at solid snake! One actor, but then like 5 guns with it.
you could make a pistol with inverted colors that shoots 12 multicolored bullets and kills the guy firing it and people would love it!
Wait... That was lord tim

but yeah, quality is a major distinction between the good mods and the bad mods

Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:39 pm
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