The Zombie Cave mission with the one starting brain dude and the awareness system of the enemies got me thinking that there could be some sneaking missions too. So basically you have this one guy (or a small squad) who are lightly armed but have various tools and who have to infiltrate a base (or perhaps a fortress on a rock
) with high security systems. Laser walls, doors, security cameras, turrets and guards...all done before actually.
And the point is to get in and do something, blow something up etc. maybe without getting noticed, because that would either result in a loss or just call in tons of enemies that own you right away.
There wouldn't be much money so you can't just call in an army and overpower the place. So it would include digging, silently taking out guards (would be even cooler if an alarm system could be implemented) and sneaking through ventilation through the night.
It should be no problem creating a map large enough to make this kind of stuff interesting.
Of course, that kind of a stuff would be cooler with features that haven't been made but we're talking ideas, right?
So what I'm trying to say is that I would like to see at least some silent missions in the finished campaign, as it would give variety.