B21 bug - maximum resolution in windowed mode causes a crash
Both me and Pyrorex have tried this with the same results.
When the maximum possible resolution is chosen but fullscreen is not selected, it crashes on startup, with the error message:
Cortex Command wrote:
Unable to set specified graphics mode because: Resolution not supported!
Now trying to default back to VGA...
Manually setting the fullscreen option in Settings.ini or setting the game to fullscreen before restarting with the new resolution works just fine.
Could it be because we're running less common aspect ratios?
(5:4/1280x1024 for him, 16:10/1440x900 for me)Has anyone run into this with a 4:3 resolution?
I'm assuming the game is trying to draw its window content that large and then add the standard window border, which exceeds the screen resolution and causes the problem?