Ok, After i downloaded the pheonix bot(made by Zalo)i went to play CC,
then it says:
RTE Aborted! (x_x)
Abortion in file .\System\ContentFile.cpp,line 647,because:Failed to load datafile object with following path and name:
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'
i didn't know what to do so i down loaded the game again
and the same problem popped up when i played CC.
So i took out the Devices and Null because i didn't know what else to do (because i suck at this kinda stuff) then played CC again and something happened at line 6 and i couldn't remember what it said, I made a big mistake and threw everything in base.rte away and my recycleing bin was filled with crap from the time i was cleaning out the whole folder from useless mods, Anyway i deleted everything in the folder and downloaded another CC to replace the one i threw away and played the game again not only was the same problem there but on top of the loading box it said UNREGISTERED COPY
Please help