kennyclone wrote:
yea so i was looking through the mags at my local convience store and i picked up pc gamer to look what it had on it, it said cortex command on the back under games, with this i was wondering if it was a demo because if it was that'd be pretty stupid :/
Kenny Clone wrote:
Hello /drl/, I got a magazine from my local convenience store the other day. To my surprise, as i looked at the latest games, they had Cortex Command on the list! I was wondering if they used the Demo version on the CD. I really think that would be stupid. Anyway, long story short, CC is getting popular!
Answer: Of course. To use the full version, they would need a key for it. Keys only work for 1 person. Hundreds of people read the magazine. Those hundreds of people wouldn't be able to play the full game due to 1-key-per-person.
PCGamer would have to literally spend $20 on every person that reads the magazine, IN ADDITION TO the magazine cost. It's simply impossible they could supply their reader base with a full copy.
The demo, while limited, is still fun. It showcases the game, but makes sure they need to buy it to get the full experience of a drawn out match. I personally think Data's a genius with a 5/10 minute timer.
tl;dr: Of course its a demo. Data is smart.