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 Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up. 
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Post Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
We have problems, and the President needs solutions to these problems. Thus, I've been ordered to assemble you, the finest of the remaining tactical minds on the planet, together here to deal with the issues at hand.

As you know, infected populous have reached every major continent and have spread through most of the world. The only 'Clear', or, completely infection free zones we have left are indicated on your hand outs in green. I don't need to tell you that these need to be protected, at all costs. All it takes is one reanimated in the right spot and a safe zone can be lost just like that.

Also found on your handout are a series of purple and orange zones. I will explain those now.

Orange zones, as indicated, are confirmed lost zones. That is to say, they have succumbed to onslaught from reanimated. These zones, those infected, still hold supplies, though how much is left cannot be determined without sending forces to these zones, which, needless to say, is dangerous.

Now, the purple sectors represent bases we have lost contact with, but are not necessarily lost. We cannot know for sure without sending in forces, or perhaps air craft if these buildings can send signals. Again, these bases, if not lost, contain people we must rescue, and supplies we can put to better use.

Regardless, we must discuss plans concerning the protection of our clear zones. As I'm sure you can imagine, these four clear zones are better or less equipped to handle themselves depending on their position of the world prior to the epidemic.

These two spots, off North America, are our best equipped. Both are equipped with cargo shipping helicopters, two for each base, and enough fuel to take them back and forth to each other numerous times. We won't know, per say, exactly how many times, until they begin to run low on fuel, and we have a reliable weather forecast set up. These two zones are also reporting a number of between 4 to 5 thousand survivors each, about 2 fifths of them being military trained personnel. Per base, of course.

Now, the North Western base, referred to now as the Western base, being linked to land, is having to deal with a greater number of reanimated then the Southern base, who is only having to fight off the ones which manage to be swept to the shores. As such, the Western base is using up much of their munitions. As our first course of action, I suggest we order a chopper from the southern base to load up some excess munitions to be given to the Western base, however, this is your call gentlemen, something I hope I do not regret agreeing to later.

Also, these two bases are adequately equipped food and water wise for the time being. Both have water treatment facilities, and food production facilities working well enough to supply themselves.

Now, for the bad news. These other two bases are running on borrowed time. The more Northern one has reported their water treatment facility has broken down. They need new parts for the device soon, or they will begin to die.

They have one hovercraft operational, with enough fuel to get a force to either the lost orange facility, which was reported last as having a working water treater, and back to their original base. They will have to fight reanimated, and no exact count can be made to their number. Our other option is order them to the purple zone. They have just enough fuel to get them to the purple sector, but not back. If there is fuel and an operational water treater there, they should be able to make it back. However, if the facility has been lost and no supplies remain, they will be unable to return, and most likely be killed by reanimated.

Secondly, the Eastern base is reporting that their hydro-electric generator has broken down due to the hostile weather. They have enough fuel for the back up generators to last them five days of warmth and water treatment. After this, they will freeze and die of thirst. As their fuel is being put to use in the generators, they cannot send their 2 trucks or recon vehicle out to procure supplies from nearby lost settlements or other bases. The only option we have to save them, is to save or procure the hovercraft from the Northern base to bring them supplies or evacuate them, or reclaim the purple sector west of the Western base to secure a flight path directly to them for the same purposes.

This is the current situation gentlemen. Any orders you give here will be carried out over the next day. Save as many as we can, and maybe we can finally figure out how to stop this plague.


As per requested, you've been given updated handouts showing easier identification of zones.

Last edited by Dauss on Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:16 am

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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
First off, assign an ID # to all zones, for ease of planning, then I would like to hear the statistics on the orange zone in North America. Namely if it has parts that are needed for either of the two Russian bases.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:21 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Orange zone 'I' was one of the first zones to be lost after the epidemic, being situated close to the speculated outbreak point.

The last reports from the base were of rioting civilians breaking into the supply caches, and setting several key facilities ablaze. It is not known whether or not the water treatment facility is still operational, or if there is fuel to be salvaged.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:30 am

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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Send troops from D to F, with a heli of course, tell us what's going on over there.

Do whatever conservation you can at B and C, If F has what we need for B, then immediately take that to B with the heli, and we might contemplate sending the hovercraft from B to C while that is going on.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:38 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Orders have been sent to both B and C to lock down and conserve as many resources as possible. During this time, they should be able to squeeze out another day of survival by keeping work and machine use to a minimum.

A chopper is being prepped from base D with a squad of infantry, set for base F in search of survivors, and supplies.

Base A is reporting a large wave of reanimated converging. They will most likely reach the base by tomorrow morning. They should be able to be fought off, but they report they will not have much ammunition in reserve after this stand off.

Base A is requesting permission to thin the opposition with a chopper and infantry. This would put the chopper away from the base for a day, and there are reports of a strong storm coming into the area that could potentially damage the helicopter, but sending it out would put the chopper into a position of recon to quickly examine Orange zone I from the air to assess the number of reanimated in the area. It may be possible to land troops there once the reanimated have been thinned.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:53 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up., nice.

Do we have tanks?

♥♥♥♥ yea we must have tanks.

Use tanks to kill zombies.

No tanks?

No hope.




We need to mobilize, and find supplies.

Find the base with the working water treatment thingy, the one close to the broken water treater base. Get supplies, and if you can, evacuate into the main base.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:33 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Give us the following information about the threat - as much as you can.

1. How coordinated are the reanimated? Are they able to climb? Jump?
2. How intelligent are they?
3. Is destruction of the brain the only way to kill them?

Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:54 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
The reanimated are driven for flesh, they are able to climb simple structures given enough time, and move at about the speed of a person walking briskly. They seem to possess only very basic planning skills, such as where to put a footfall for the next step, or where something just was, if it has vanished from view.

Destruction of the brain is the most efficient means of disposal, however extensive body damage has been known to cause fatal bleeding out over a period of time, dehydrating the brain, and not allowing electrical nerve signals to originate.

They display no signs of team work or co-operation, other then attacking in great numbers, and can spread the virus through a single fatal bite or deep scratch.

They will also not starve, and will take significantly longer to decompose then a regular human corpse. They also do not seem to require oxygen. Bleed outs are fatal simply because of dehydration, which the blood would remedy.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:28 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Do we have nukes?

Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:29 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Nuke them from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.


Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:29 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Unfortunately, in accordance with the Earth Protection Act of 2018, all nuclear ordinance has been decommissioned and removed from operational status. All Weapons of Mass Destruction are out of the picture gentlemen, we have small arms, vehicles, and aerial bombardment, assuming we can find the proper aircraft and the bombs to drop.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:39 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Use our aircraft to do a flyover of the purple bases and assess the situation.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:44 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Damn. This is bad. Do we have strike teams for this kind of thing?

Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:01 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
You must be kidding me.

WE. US. Are the only remnants of the government structure that once existed.

Those four zones, are all we have left right now. No one is coming to save us, we have to think strategically, and overcome our enemies and unite again to save humanity.

This is not a game, gentlemen, there are no reinforcements, there are no re-dos.

No one is coming to save us.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:08 am
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Post Re: Alright, Gentlemen, Listen Up.
Your so pessimistic. Fine, give me a Sitrep. How much supplies do we have? Ammo, food and such..

Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:17 am
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