Re: Overclock 1.8GHZ to 2.1GHZ
I posted this on GT and im already running at 2.1GHZ going for 2.5 soon
I found out speedfan is dead wrong your coretemp program is showing 28C - 30C currently and I ran a cpu stress test for 10 mins and the highest it reached was 49C my mobo is nvidia nforce 410/430 MCP
Time for some gmod then im going up to 2.5 My computer is healthy yay!
The only thing is Clockgen overclocks my ram when it overclocks my cpu so I hope I dont hit the limit for ram speed im preatty sure I read somewhere that I can go up to 500 - 600 mhz now im in the 300 range so I should be good.
Also the results I ran from a benchmark
1.8GHZ - Registry Operations 720.3 Floating point operations 700.3 integer operations 3601.4 overall 3729.5
2.1ghz - Registry Operations 813.2 Floating point operations 787.8 integer operations 4201.7 overall 4316.9
Damn, it became unstable at 2.5 explorer.exe restarted and mobo was beeping at me I down clocked to 2.0 then back up to 2.3 it seems stable at 2.3 I think that is as far as I will push it.