Re: Portal Gun. You know you want it.
robowurmz wrote:
I doubt it has crossed Miles's bizarrely shaped mind that the Damien guy was not being serious. Ever heard of sarcasm, Miles?
if it was sarcasm, it was directed at me. why would sarcasm be directed at me when i wasn't there?
as for "why would they update us if it's fake?" simple. notice they where supposedly days from being able to get it, to suddenly, POOF, its almost finished, 90% of the bugs are gone.
and as for so few weapons under my belt? wrong.
i have 3, that i released, i started a 4th and quit because it crashed.
since then i have made 3 more, working on 2 more on top of that,
that i HAVENT RELEASED, because i'm getting them PERFECT.
note: i'm not including stuff i used to learn to mod. I made my first 2 weapons back on B14, and when i came back and went OOO GLOWS i made a flamethower that was bashed to hell.
since then i've made about 20 test weapons that i didn't keep because i was just learning to do things,
6 FINISHED weapons, the first 3 (2 on b14, and the flame thrower) where CRAP compaired to what i can do now.
and from that knowledge of modding i know that there are no useable variables in any class, for use of the way the map loops, so you couldn't have done it that way. there is no code to teleport things from one location to another, in pieces (such as the half in, half out as was shown in a still screenshot, note that there are no animations of an actor going through smoothly) AND you said you didn't add code, you just messed with what was there. there isn't anything implimented capeable of a fraction of what you claim to have done. and even if there was innactive code, you couldn't use it, it would be locked out (un-used, un-finsished code, finished = 0, every game i have ever modded had stuff like that in the hard-coding, you had to add lines to re-enable it) and a .RTE file short of making .bat, .bin, .dat or .dll, or some other extention, i dont believe theres anything you could have done to add those features. and adding DLLs and such to an RTE, would be screwing with the source-code, but without over-writing.
there ARE reasons i'm complaining. it's not because i'm trying to be a jerk, its because i have every reason imaginable to believe wholeheartedly that your bull****ing people for ****s and giggles, and you have done nothing to prove me wrong, you've just told me i'm stupid and to go away.
go ahead. in 24 hours, release the buggy beta, or even post a .gif of a robot, going through a portal, and coming out the other side, as a smooth animation, without a hicup. 24 hours. unless your a pro, which from the mistakes i've pointed out, your not, you wouldn't be able to make a fake in that time. no beta, and no 'proof' that can't have been faked in the given amount of time, means that its bogus, no if's ands or buts.