Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [2]:
"HEY SHORTIES! I'M TALLER THAN YOU!"You take out one of your flash grenades and throw it towards the dwarves. They raise their shields, but continue charging. They charge past the grenade. And keep going. Why isn't it explo-
You didn't pull the pin, did you.
Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [8]:
You drop to a crouch and loose a quick burst of rounds at the dwarf charging you. Against his shield, the rounds bounce off, barely denting the formidable armor.
Tokochiro (Mana) [7]:
Instead of using some telekinesis silliness that would probably fail, you just shoot an incendiary round. It hits the ground directly in front of two dwarves, and the entire area bursts into flames. Then, twin holes are punched in the fireball from the grenade, as the dwarves run through your attack unharmed.
Amazigh ("Amazigh") [2]:
You aim for the dwarf and fire your autocannon. The shots shoot forward, and... all 4 miss. Entirely. Wow, that was just awful.
Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [8]:
You fire both cannons simultaneously, Hammerhead round aimed for your dwarve's feet, DU round for the chest. The Hammerhead round hits first, sending the dwarf spinning into the air. Somehow, it gets angled perfectly so that the round skims JUST across his shield, cancelling most of the dwarf's spin, and allowing him to somehow land on his feet. His charge continues.
caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [1]:
You order Gyro to move to a safe position, and it does so, deciding to hover directly in front of you. Your weapon systems prevent you from firing upon Gyro, so you can't fire until Gyro moves out of the way.
Game Events: The dwarves reach their respective opponents with no injuries, and each slows down and begins circling their Roller, shield still raised up towards them. Two of them pull out their sword, while the other 4 take their axes out. Looks like these'll be tougher nuts to crack than the sharks.
Raphael: Uninjured Dwarf wielding shortsword
Vadim: Uninjured Dwarf wielding axe
Mana: Uninjured Dwarf wielding axe
Amazigh: Uninjured Dwarf wielding shortsword
Vladimir: Uninjured Dwarf wielding axe
VN Warrior: Uninjured Dwarf wielding axe